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  1. #451

    Default Re: PH is now Asia's strongest-performing economy, says expert

    Quote Originally Posted by KlaytoN View Post
    I beg to disagree.. lest you are the kind of person doing nothing and just waiting for the government to give you dole outs.. Bai, kana man gud personal nga asenso dili na sya mahitabo kung pirmi lang ka nakatunganga sa atoang gobyerno. Kung mao ra na pirmi atoang mindset, ay dili jud ka muasenso. Or you are one of those who are constantly in denial or just plain pessimist guy..

    I was actually looking for your objective and intelligent rebuttal to my statement or the reasons why you disagree with my statement. But instead, you just aired out your imagination on what probably the kind of person am I. It's ok. Anyway, it's good that you have your opinion on how to improve one's life. I wont question that.

  2. #452
    Elite Member
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    Default Re: PH is now Asia's strongest-performing economy, says expert

    ^ Expecting objective and intelligent from that guy? I salute you sir...
    Last edited by monroy; 11-07-2012 at 07:11 PM.

  3. #453

    Default Re: PH is now Asia's strongest-performing economy, says expert

    Quote Originally Posted by SioDenz View Post
    ikaw ra diay Citizen sa Pinas? so Meaning ikaw maoy himuon basehan sa tanang panghitabo sa pinas para makaingun ta ni improve? i admit di jud na ma feel natung mga kabos tanan kay economy man ang gihisgutan. Pero saying nga wa nimu na Feel murag di mao kay daghan man tah. What if naay tawo nga kabos nga naka feel siya sa Growth, unsa may ikasulti nimu ana? maka present kaha kag imung study diri nga tanan kabos wa jud ka feel sa improvement sa economy?

    Ug usa pa ang topic diri is economy man di man POVERTY. Tinuod ba ni improve atung economy base sa gi ingun sa EXPERT.

    SioDenz, I’m sorry to say but your understanding to my statement is out of context. My assessment is not intended to be a basis to generalize the experience of the whole citizen of the Philippines. Never did I claim that.

    Also, I think economy and poverty is related. Economy speaks about the plight of the people around you. For example, if a family cannot eat 3 times a day, cannot send their children to school, has no capacity to live in a decent house, that speaks of poverty and apparently, it’s an economic issue. Why would experts exert effort doing researches and making those statistics if these won’t be connected to poverty? I would hate to believe that they’re just doing it for the sake of doing it.

    Some of us will feel happy if the economy grows because some of us think that this means improvement of life. Yet as for my humble opinion, numbers do not necessarily translate to better life.

  4. #454

    Default Re: PH is now Asia's strongest-performing economy, says expert

    Lies, damned lies and statistics.

    Benjamin Disraeli

  5. #455

    Default Re: PH is now Asia's strongest-performing economy, says expert

    Quote Originally Posted by apathetic child View Post
    SioDenz, I’m sorry to say but your understanding to my statement is out of context. My assessment is not intended to be a basis to generalize the experience of the whole citizen of the Philippines. Never did I claim that.

    Also, I think economy and poverty is related. Economy speaks about the plight of the people around you. For example, if a family cannot eat 3 times a day, cannot send their children to school, has no capacity to live in a decent house, that speaks of poverty and apparently, it’s an economic issue. Why would experts exert effort doing researches and making those statistics if these won’t be connected to poverty? I would hate to believe that they’re just doing it for the sake of doing it.

    Some of us will feel happy if the economy grows because some of us think that this means improvement of life. Yet as for my humble opinion, numbers do not necessarily translate to better life.
    Well, the article did Not relate the improving economy to Poverty. It did Not even mentioned whats the criteria when they say economy is improving. And Now people here commented that the article is Not true because poverty is Not solved where in fact its Not even mentioned in the article OR there's NO UNIVERSAL LAW that says when you say economy it includes Solving POVERTY.

    If you say Economy is Related to poverty imu sad na But the point here is that - How do you convince me that the said economic EXPERT is Dead wrong when you cannot present your own study to support your claim?

  6. #456

    Default Re: PH is now Asia's strongest-performing economy, says expert

    Does one really have to be an expert to understand that the economic conditions in any country is always related to its poverty levels?

    Let me rephrase that: the economy in the philippines is doing very well - according to the oligarchs and the less than half a million people who have money to place in the stock market. It is not good at all or they couldn't care less about the economic figures/numbers - according to majority of Filipinos who continue to labor to make ends meet and have decent meals 3 times a day in a decent home (and that's not counting the millions who have absolutely nothing and are living in extreme poverty).

    So if that is good news for anyone, enjoy while others can't.

  7. #457
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    Default Re: PH is now Asia's strongest-performing economy, says expert

    Perhaps we do,
    and the big question is,
    how to make every filipino feel that we do.

  8. #458

    Default Re: PH is now Asia's strongest-performing economy, says expert

    Quote Originally Posted by eezychair View Post
    Does one really have to be an expert to understand that the economic conditions in any country is always related to its poverty levels?
    No, But if you're going to Question or Accuse an economic Expert that HE is Wrong THEN you should have a Good pair of PROOF or DATA that you can present para motuo an uban. Lain man sad kaayu, mu post rata ngari nga sayop ni nga expert nagsuwat ani na article sa internet nya atung Proof Gikan ra sad sa uban expert nga atung na search sa Internet.

  9. #459

    Default Re: PH is now Asia's strongest-performing economy, says expert

    Quote Originally Posted by SioDenz View Post
    Well, the article did Not relate the improving economy to Poverty. It did Not even mentioned whats the criteria when they say economy is improving. And Now people here commented that the article is Not true because poverty is Not solved where in fact its Not even mentioned in the article OR there's NO UNIVERSAL LAW that says when you say economy it includes Solving POVERTY.

    If you say Economy is Related to poverty imu sad na But the point here is that - How do you convince me that the said economic EXPERT is Dead wrong when you cannot present your own study to support your claim?

    It's quite sad that you are seemingly taking things very technically as if we're living in a black and white world. It is also sad that you seem not interested in raising the topic on economy to that of poverty alleviation just because it isn't written in the article or there's "no universal law" (not sure what "universal law" you are referring to) that says economy includes solving poverty. If studying economics does not include poverty alleviation, then what is it for? If these numbers are not interpreted in terms of their implications to our conditions of living, then what are these numbers for?

    Regarding your so-called point which i can't locate where it came from, may i just bring you to my point that numbers do not necessarily translate to better lives. If I said, I’m not sure what these experts are talking about, it’s because I didn’t feel any improvement in the country. I do not need to be an expert to say that prices are getting higher, I do not need to be an expert to say that many of our people don’t live in decent houses, I don’t need to be an expert to say that many of our people cannot send their children to school, I don’t need to be an expert to say that many of our people are landless. One needs not to be an expert to know these things. Did I just say, I’m not an expert?
    So SioDenz, why should I dwell on convincing you that “economic expert is dead wrong”? when in the first place, that was never the point I’m making?

  10. #460

    Default Re: PH is now Asia's strongest-performing economy, says expert

    Lies, damned lies and statistics.

    Benjamin Disraeli

    Visiting Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper sees the Philippines as “an emerging Asian tiger,” agreeing with the bullish outlook on the country of political and business leaders from many other parts of the world.
    PH is rising Asian

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