Post lang ko ani bro wenz mao ni ako gibuhat and it worked for me. para pod ni sa uban na naglisod og install sa new GUI.
Download the New GUI and the 99servers.
openvpn-2.1.1-install.exe :
hss99_by_wenz :
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Steps on how to uninstall the old GUI:
1. open "FreeVPN48hss_by_wenz" (do not forget to run as administrator)
2. go to "Driver Tools" and then click Delete Drivers 32bit or 64bit (depende sa OS)
3. Exit "FreeVPN48hss_by_wenz"
4. Go to control panel, Uninstall a program then uninstall "FreeVPN48hss_by_wenz"
5. Restart your PC.
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After Downloading "openvpn-2.1.1-install.exe" and "hss99_by_wenz"
Do this steps to install the new GUI:
1. Right click "openvpn-2.1.1-install.exe" (run as administrator)
2. click "Next" then "I Agree" then "Next"
3. Enter an IP Address (Any IP Address, for example: click "Next"
4. Enter ANY Username and Password and click "Next"
5. Click on Reboot Now then Finish (your PC will again restart)
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After Restarting your PC, connect your Globe Tattoo or SmartBro USB Modem.
Right Click on "hss99_by_wenz" (run as administrator)
Go to Manage Account then type wenz to both boxes and then click "Activate"
Select Server and Connect!