sulod sa ug DeMolay.
Unsay advantage ug disadvantage is ma member ka ani?
Freemason are the Global Elites and proponents of depopulating the World, world domination, soft killing people through GMO foods and vaccines, every human being will have an ID in the form of Chip(RFID, Database information), police and surveilance state and most of All power - A New World Order.
We humans in the future will be become merely robots. They use mind control and program our life the way they want to be. It is true that in their agenda are full of secrecy because they are part of the shadow government. They are a sheep in a wolves clothing. They have positions in the UN, WHO, World band, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg group. They deceived us by showing charity to poor people and that their vaccines and food they distribute can alleviate hunger. But their motive is to soft kill humans because they want to reduce population and maintain it to 500 Million worldwide.
"Fictions/Conspiracy reveal truth that reality obscures"
Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's - Full Movie - YouTube - LIES OF GMO
Freemasonry [Documentary] - YouTube - FREEMASON
New World Order PREPARE YOURSELF !!! 2013 - YouTube - New World Order
Ron Paul - Mandatory RFID Chip Implant on March 23rd, 2013 - YouTube - Humans will be Chipped / Mind COntrol
Does anybody now pila ang fee if you petition ? AFAIK this varies, there's a lodge in Germany that says it's a $1000.
from what i know ,befre ka ma accepted as a freemason , you must be a whos who in society
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