expansion man cguro ni cla na company like the other call center na Result ata ang name. guess this is good news pud kay daghan na pud pwede ma applyan sa mga taw...heheehe
unsay mga tech supp account diri sa alorica? pwde pa pm sa details aning company? ug if mka accomodate ba sila sa mga ga skool wyl ga work ... tnx
Gi-try ko ug recruit ani nila katong niagi ko (scheduled for exam sa aegis ko ani).
Then ni backout ang aegis nako kay di sila sa working student. Ang Alorica ok raba? Haha
Merry Christmas, if you have questions about Alorica and if your interested to join us, just pm me. FYI lang, we are expanding and growing. In need of agents, TM's, QA's and Trainers. For this account, we started April 2013. We are located at the 4th and 5th floor Skyrise Bldg 1. 2 months ago, 5th floor na mi, karun naa nami 4th floor.Had our Christmas party recently at Marco Polo. Job offer depends if you have CC experience. If you want to join our family, just pm me.
when next training for agents ani?
Had to threaten them that I'd get assistance from NLRC so they would release my last paypay. They kept on moving the dates,I was so fed up knowing that my other wavemates claimed their checks around 2nd week of dec. what's up with that?
good luck to those who want to apply with this company.. you might see the company as a BIG one, but everyone is wrong... most of their admin and operation staff are resigning coz they dont have the right PROCESS.... good luck again
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