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  1. #441

    lingaw ayo ang away..gagmay nga butang mudako! karemember lang ko nag-away ang gropo sa ako clasmate kay tungod mga tapulan ayo mubomba ug puso..fetcher man..kana pud humana ug hugas tanan then taod2x naa napud hugasanan..hehehehe..kataw-anan ayo maghinumdum..

  2. #442
    samot na sa amo' ky naay selos2...hahahaha...nindota rba sa?!!...hahahahahahaha....weEe...excited nko...

  3. #443
    @mets: lage, maka mingaw man ang immersion oi. hehe

    kami pud daghan kaayo ug gubot kai mga tapulan lage, dghan pa gyud mga saba-an ug kulit sa amo, na pun-an samot ug kasaba sa mga CI..

    @manu: haha, wa ta kahibaw ana, basin nya mahitabo na nig ka immersion. mao ni mu test sa imohang capabilities..

  4. #444
    akng capability nga mo.uwang sa mga taw aron m.settle jd nila ilng away...hahahahahaha...d jd nko' pugngan...evul kaau ko dah...bti lng among block ky naay grupo2...y lami'...

  5. #445
    Quote Originally Posted by manuginobili View Post
    akng capability nga mo.uwang sa mga taw aron m.settle jd nila ilng away...hahahahahaha...d jd nko' pugngan...evul kaau ko dah...bti lng among block ky naay grupo2...y lami'...
    ya, tell me about grupo2x, click or watever u call it...naa sad na sa amo block sa una plus ang whole block B will never like pips in Block A! i can still feel the heat hangtud ron. in totally different personalities gyud. u wud see it sa amo batch year na pics!

    ug joecels ang block A di sugot ang B ky De Manila gyud.
    ug Suarez ang usa di sad ky VY Domingo pod ang gusto sa uban.

    Block A started a reunion daw (basi para ila ra gyud pod to), but ended up na sila ra classmates nitunga.

    nevertheless, block Bs got some chosen friends sa Block A na ang true color pod deep inside ky block B gyud! hehehehe... though generally we r all civil.

    Block Bs are risk takers, free spirited, hard headed at times or the best word is stubborness guro due to we speak with open mind na hated kaau sa teachers. we love FUN most of the time. difficult things to do we make it more lighter to take...etc! so thinking sa CI wa gyud mi mga kaugmaon sa amo pamatasan lang daan.

    Block As r the opposite. Very calculated, predictable, "intelligent in all aspects" (as the teachers compares us with them), creative, one who listens well with authority....etc! gets nyo ang pic? ask for that batch and the teachers will remember it....look at the pictures of the graduates with no uniformity and ul know which one wud that be!

  6. #446
    Quote Originally Posted by vienzel View Post
    Block Bs are risk takers, free spirited, hard headed at times or the best word is stubborness guro due to we speak with open mind na hated kaau sa teachers. we love FUN most of the time. difficult things to do we make it more lighter to take...etc! so thinking sa CI wa gyud mi mga kaugmaon sa amo pamatasan lang daan.
    hmm.. i think our block is like that, mga grabe ka bulay-og pero laman..

    dghan nag ingon na CI's na unique daw ang amoang block, kai everything in one daw mi.. haha

  7. #447
    Quote Originally Posted by histrionic0311 View Post
    hmm.. i think our block is like that, mga grabe ka bulay-og pero laman..

    dghan nag ingon na CI's na unique daw ang amoang block, kai everything in one daw mi.. haha
    honestly, during our time most of the teachers were so negative on who we are. BUT in fairness, Dean A. Pascual was neutral i guess. though she praises gud things with Block A and B ky puro langas yet, never attacked our person... unlike our CIs who doesnt really like us probably?

    i can remember, there was a great incident that most of my click were called to the deans office (incl. me of course)...the Dean didnt close the doors sa TEC office sa CN probably to let CIs think na we were scolded tremendously BUT on the contrary, she said something to all of goes this way, "i truly believe deep inside that u have wat it takes to be somebody someday, dont waste it. i know ur block, i can see ...u have skills and intellect...u will attain something one day! i believe that u r NOT wat others think."

    most of the BLOCK Bs were the first few to go abroad then Block A follow suit! 3 of our classmates lang daan ky immigrants na that time! hehehe...this is just my opinion ha, or observation!

    i was inspired by wat she said and infact, during my last visit 2009 i told Rosa if i can see the dean. She probably overheard me asking a favor, she becon at us. i gave my respects and asked to hug her (as i have heard her condition). then i said, "maam dean, kahinumdum pa ka namo? mga badlungon nimo na students bitaw! then she laughed and said CANDIDLY, NO! every student have their worse times and u all are NO exception. but look at all of u now, u bloomed so much in the field u all are in!

    eventually, our group make an acronym of us being called at her office as STDs! meaning SEE THE DEANs office studs! hahahah

  8. #448
    ^^ wow, what an experience nimo ate.. hehehe

  9. #449
    i enjoyed my Psych days but mas ang akong nursing gyud, ka colorful! hahaha....perti ka enjoy!

  10. #450
    Quote Originally Posted by manuginobili View Post
    aron mra rpd ug bakasyon buh...bti kaau duol..dili roadtrip...ehehehe
    hahaha. nindot jd bitaw ang layu bro ky kawat kaayu sa oras ang biyahe. lingaw mn pd na.

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