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  1. #431

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by hpxox_007
    do it as a group thing first and see how it goes..
    thats a problem nga eh, we both know a lot of people, like his ex is a friend of my friend, but the only problem is i only i have close friend who does hang out with him (not all the time sad; and theyre not really close) BUT everytime i invite that friend to text him and invite him to hangout, my friend always says that he is busy or he's too tired (supportive friend huh?!) so thats it.

  2. #432

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by diem
    [font=arial][b]@iryn, yes it's somewhat a delicate situation but when there is a WlLL there is a WAY

    1) How about if you WILL find out what his interests are? Badminton? Photography? Does he belong to a focus group that pursue such interests? Like for example if he takes aikido classes, why not you join the same class? That's one way of hanging out with him.

    - Hummm havent tried that yet (too scared sad to ask), maybe i can do that! haha there was this one time we were texting and i told him 'nagym ko'(nag ym ko) he thought nag-gym ko and he asked where i was going to gym. haha kasi from what i heard na he goes to gym daw.. so yeah maybe. haha

    2) You only have one mutual friend? Do you know any of his other friends? If so, how about if you WILL befriend his other friends so in a way build your brides for no person is an island. Link your circle of friends with his own: you'll have more friends and more chances to be with him, just to chill!

    - wE both know a lot of people (the same person) but we dont hangout with the people we know. (na gets nimu) like his ex happens to a friend of a friend. Yes, i have this close friend na guy who hangouts out with him cause close sila sa close friend nya(crush nko) (gets nimu?). so mau na lisud kaayu. I dont his close friends sad; he's a year older than me man gud so murag i dont know lisud gamay. haha (or ako rai nagpalisud?)

    3) How about if you WILL take note of any special occasion, like his birthday, or the fiesta of his hometown. You never know that your mutual friend might be invited to attend and its possible you can tag along. Or how about if you will ask your mutual friend to invite him during any special events of your life!

    - hahaha whats what i do, thats basically how i met my close friend cause i forced myself to be invited to be on his bday just to be with my crush who is his kabarkada! waaaa... haha and thinking about what i have done made me look like im that desperate. lol
    noticing his bday would be cool (but that would mean im giving him special attention right?; and i dont want him knowing; not yet)

    4) How about if you WILL just ask if he wants to go for coffee or something to eat. If he asks 'are you asking me for a date?' You respond with surprise and casually tell him that you're just thirsty/hungry and don't enjoy drinking and dining alone. It feels weird for you.
    -if magtext mi i give him hints like, 'im hungry nahan ko mag siomai sa fuente', and he replies lang ' gabi.e naman ron, ikaw gyud laagan kaayu ka class na ugma'. wwaaaaaaaaaa (obviously he doesnt like me) but yeah maybe if id put my big-girl pants on id have the guts to ask him that and pretend like it wasnt really my intention to ask him. haha

    Of course he will be thinking that you like him because you're asking him, but all he has is an assumption that he cannot prove... yet. There is nothing wrong for letting the guy have an idea, it's what he does with the idea is what matters.

    - very true, i like this part of your advise. heck i love it!

    If he accepts your invitation, then you can assume he has some interest in you or enjoys your company or at least, he is a gentleman.

    If he takes a raincheck, then he's basically not into you or he's just really busy.

    iryn, hope this helps a bit. At least you know you can do something about it.

    Sincerely wishing you all the best in Life and love~!

    thanks so much, i had fun reading your reply, i love what you said about giving him a hint, yet he does not have a proof yet.

    il update u and see what happens =p

  3. #433

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    the guy just had a break up. if you were good friends before that, then you know exactly how to comfort him during this time. but if you don't, take it easy. don't rush just because he's all of a sudden "free."

  4. #434

    Default Re: DO I NEED TO LEAVE HER - I need advice

    [font=arial][b]@brix_2006, bro here's some advice. Please try to put things in proper perspective. Like posting a love problems in the Love Problem thread.

    Anyway, please do not decide to hastily and please do not judge the lady too harshly lest the same measure be applied to you. She's only human and she did feel something for the guy.

    And now, she's caught and she's confessed and is guilty about it. She knows she deserved to be punished but who has right to punish her? She's already punishing herself.

    Not that I suggest that you forgive her or accept her. All I suggest is that you please consider all things, most specially your feelings. You are confused now with dark emotions. You are hurt now get past over the hurt. What is done is done, now what are you going to do about it. What does your heart really want?

    Please don't think of a relationship as "keeping someone". Ano ba siya? Isang gamit or alaga? Tao rin siya and she made a decision that she now regrets. Relationships is about knowing and accepting each other's best and worsts. That's how relationships work.

    The true question of the matter is, brix_2006, do you still love her to have her in her life, to trust her again? Its really up to you.

    I suggest you take a step back and consider that answer for yourself. People have posted their strong opinions, pro and con, now its up to you to decide. Take some time, pause for some personal reflection, pray to God to guide you to the best decision as according to His Will for your life.

    I wish you all the best, in Life and Love!

  5. #435

    Default Re: DO I NEED TO LEAVE HER - I need advice

    well, it's up to u bro if u can stil trust d woman, i mean it's hard to keep a relationship if u cant trust ur partner anymore

  6. #436

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by Luthienne
    the guy just had a break up. if you were good friends before that, then you know exactly how to comfort him during this time. but if you don't, take it easy. don't rush just because he's all of a sudden "free."
    haha when i knew he just broke with an ex i was excited.. haha
    but nah if ever he will like me di sad ko ganahan ma rebound ko.
    i know him na since iv had a crush on him way back 3rd year highschool sa brix days
    and was just introduced last month lang. haha
    i want to comfort him but he does not want to talk about it, he has moved on na daw.. or at least thinking of positive thoughts. =p

  7. #437

    Default Re: DO I NEED TO LEAVE HER - I need advice

    ... my first advice is to READ THIS FIRST

    ... most women act divine and thinks they are perfect and that ONLY men cheat, well, here you are, your gf has stabbed you in the back. Trust has been broken and that means goodbye.

  8. #438

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by diem
    [font=arial][b]@brix_2006, bro here's some advice. Please try to put things in proper perspective. Like posting a love problems in the Love Problem thread.

    Anyway, please do not decide to hastily and please do not judge the lady too harshly lest the same measure be applied to you. She's only human and she did feel something for the guy.

    And now, she's caught and she's confessed and is guilty about it. She knows she deserved to be punished but who has right to punish her? She's already punishing herself.

    Not that I suggest that you forgive her or accept her. All I suggest is that you please consider all things, most specially your feelings. You are confused now with dark emotions. You are hurt now get past over the hurt. What is done is done, now what are you going to do about it. What does your heart really want?

    Please don't think of a relationship as "keeping someone". Ano ba siya? Isang gamit or alaga? Tao rin siya and she made a decision that she now regrets. Relationships is about knowing and accepting each other's best and worsts. That's how relationships work.

    The true question of the matter is, brix_2006, do you still love her to have her in her life, to trust her again? Its really up to you.

    I suggest you take a step back and consider that answer for yourself. People have posted their strong opinions, pro and con, now its up to you to decide. Take some time, pause for some personal reflection, pray to God to guide you to the best decision as according to His Will for your life.

    I wish you all the best, in Life and Love!
    bitaw brix. if she has wronged you once, it's temptation. tagai lang chance. but if this is the nth time she cheated on you, then tanga na gyud ka. trust takes a tremendous effort or should i say it's always a decision if you want to give the relationship a try. pero decision na jud nimo bro. if you love her and if you're willing to start all over again, then why lose a good thing? di ba?

  9. #439

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    @brix_2006: LEAVE her...

  10. #440

    Default unsaon nimo kung crush sad nimo ang brother sa imong bf?

    unsaon nimo kung you just realized na nagka-crush diay ka sa brother sa imong bf?

    the situation
    you first met the big bro friendz kayo mo but then nauyab nimo ang little bro then nadugay namo sa little bro for about 9 yrs in relationship then one day u've realized na you have/had a feeling for the big bro wa lang ka kabalo from the start...Then thinking what if kung ang big bro ang nauyab? Then there goes a lot of what ifs question.
    pero la man pud ka maka reklamo sa little bro kay faithful and so malambing man siya...

    another is the two bros are so opposite..
    the big bro is playboy, dali ma pul-an sa girl,average handsome pero lakas ng *** appeal.
    the little bro is so handsome and same *** appeal w/ bro. and faithful stick to one even if girls are flirting and making the first move, faithful and so malambing gihapon sa uyab.

    kung kamo ang naa sa situation what could you do kaha sa?


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