[font=arial][b]@iryn, yes it's somewhat a delicate situation but when there is a WlLL there is a WAY
1) How about if you WILL find out what his interests are? Badminton? Photography? Does he belong to a focus group that pursue such interests? Like for example if he takes aikido classes, why not you join the same class? That's one way of hanging out with him.
2) You only have one mutual friend? Do you know any of his other friends? If so, how about if you WILL befriend his other friends so in a way build your brides for no person is an island. Link your circle of friends with his own: you'll have more friends and more chances to be with him, just to chill!
3) How about if you WILL take note of any special occasion, like his birthday, or the fiesta of his hometown. You never know that your mutual friend might be invited to attend and its possible you can tag along. Or how about if you will ask your mutual friend to invite him during any special events of your life!
4) How about if you WILL just ask if he wants to go for coffee or something to eat. If he asks 'are you asking me for a date?' You respond with surprise and casually tell him that you're just thirsty/hungry and don't enjoy drinking and dining alone. It feels weird for you.
Of course he will be thinking that you like him because you're asking him, but all he has is an assumption that he cannot prove... yet. There is nothing wrong for letting the guy have an idea, it's what he does with the idea is what matters.
If he accepts your invitation, then you can assume he has some interest in you or enjoys your company or at least, he is a gentleman.
If he takes a raincheck, then he's basically not into you or he's just really busy.
iryn, hope this helps a bit. At least you know you can do something about it.
Sincerely wishing you all the best in Life and love~!