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  1. #411

    nagtuyok2x ra tawn ang istorya ani oi niabot pa ug lagyo na kaayo. Usa raman jud dapat hisgotan ani bah maayo ba ang mensahi ni palma or dili,

    Para nako dili, ngano mag encourage man ka sa mga tawo na manganak ug daghan na kabalo ka naglisod ang mga pamilya ug kabalo sad ka na ang simbahan wala juy tabang gihatag sa mga pobre financially. Bisag street feeding nalang wala jud.

  2. #412
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    I'm sorry but, kuyawa ug mga huna2 aning mga gullible close minded religious fanatics oi. It's been 300 years na intawn. Pabilin ghapon ta diha sa the way the mg think?

    Sin? Abomination ? Clearly, this is not your opinion. This was preached/taught by someone. You have no minds of your own.

    Again, I'm sorry but when you use your religious beliefs into an arguement. It makes you, for the lack of better word, uneducated.

    Excuse my French!

  3. #413
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tingkagol View Post
    Yes, yes, and yes. Well, the last one can only be true if the choice was mutual (who cares anyway, it's HER choice that matters the most).

    ...and promiscuity happens even in the absence of contraceptives.

    Not the point I was trying to convey, but yes, a lot of people do that. Fact of life.

    You on the other hand think that by banning contraceptives, being an "abomination" an all, you thereby rid the world of promiscuity. False.
    My comment on the first part disappeared as soon as I saw the string of yeses. Reminded me of a kid who smiled from ear to ear as he was offered a bag of chocolates. (guffaw)

    So imong solusyon kay samotan ang pagka promiscuous? Hehehe... (wiping drool off keyboard)

    Third sentence, false assumption. Ipapilit
    asa dapit
    ang imong gi-ingkit
    basin ako ra mata nagsikit....
    ky wajud ko mag mention nga ma rid ang kalibutan sa promiscuity pinaagi sa pag ban sa contraception...

  4. #414
    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    Well bro first of all I'm not in a shell. I see, feed, and care for the poor everyday. I know why people's mentalities remained consistent and persistent despite the urgings of the Church. As what I've told xian, understanding does not always go hand in hand with acceptance. You may be bombarded with a ton of truth, made to understand it and yet refuse to accept it maybe because of a multitude of human reasons. Human. I will not retract my statement on you being too focused on humanity. Humanity per se is overrated. If you have a conscience, then it's impossible to not believe in a soul. Our faith is not blind. Instead, you are the ones blinded by the blinding light of our faith. You say I become a human first. What do you think we are, shapeshifters? And if you think being human means to live according to our instincts is for me too shallow a life to live. Meaningless, useless and without an end in sight. You and people like you keep on accusing those who defend the faith as holier-than-thou when in the first place, they (the faithful) will not and will never benefit from encouraging you to practice what they preach. It will be your lives that will be impacted by it. Not theirs.
    You say you see, feed and care for the poor everyday, so how come you do not know them? Over the years, the Church has been teaching the public that only one kind of contraception should be practiced- lest they be damned eternally. And you refuse to see it because you blindly follow what they teach you.

    You speak of truths, but aren't those self-professed truths? You are quick to claim that whatever word you're holding is gold, and whatever anyone else is holding is dirt.

    When I say become human first, what I meant was stepping down from your pedestal and understand where people are coming from. Assess if what you are professing (NFP) is the best strategy FOR EVERY COUPLE. I bet you've already heard of fertility indicators changing because stress and whatnot. I bet you've heard that the rhythm method is not 100% effective. Abstaining during your fertile times if used correctly is very effective, but factor in human error, then effectiveness is greatly reduced.

    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    What other methods? You mean the pill that contains abortifacient ingredients? Or the condom that does not prevent transmission of the Human Papilloma Virus which eventually causes cervical cancer? Why are we so quick to control population and yet not curb our sexual appetites? Aren't these artificial contraceptions encouraging an increase in marital infidelity, promiscuity among other evils? Doesn't this constitute to worship of the body rather than of the soul? Oh boy. I smell trouble, eternally speaking.
    You could only wish you could end up with the "it all boils down to preventing pregnancy" claim with regards to church teaching. But it is more than that. Deeper than that.
    You may be talking about the morning-after pill. But that is besides the point.

    Yes, the condom. It does not prevent the transmission of HPVs, but neither does the natural method. So why are you pointing out this flaw?

    Why is there a need to curb our sexual appetites? If we can give in to our appetites and be responsible about it (use contraceptives), why the heck should we??

    And wow, I honestly can't believe, as smart as you are, that you think artificial contraceptives encourage an increase in marital infidelity and promiscuity. When people cheat, do they think: "Hmmm.. I have an extra condom on my wallet, might as well cheat on my wife..". Or do teenagers suddenly think: "I scored some pill from my mom, might as well sleep with the entire basketball team..". People cheat and sleep around for different reasons, last of all, the presence of contraceptives.

    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    On the OT, how did you ever come up with people having a personal relationship with God and did away with religion? Isn't that a complete paradox in itself? Think about it. Maybe people gave word on your spirituality because it seems you don't have one. Or do you?
    On your claim of misinformation, that is you and people like you. You were made to believe that contraception is part of the solution. But it is not. Again and again the church is advocating that self-mastery is key. Controlling all our urges which also include our emotions, appetites for food, clothing, etc. does not contradict with our freedom. If true freedom is what we want, then it is not freedom from law but freedom for and with a purpose. The church can never be conformed to marry any age because she is ageless. If She married one age, She'll be a widow in the next.
    Lastly, we are all bodies with souls. Both go hand in hand and work towards a common goal. On the contrary, discord and chaos is the product of a rivetless society. People without a common good end. People who are scattered because they try with vain effort to eliminate God. Like laws that try to eliminate decay by promoting the use of methods which are the very basis of decay itself.

    I suspect that I may have made wrong assumptions about you. But in any case, it's a good thing you won't get old or sick or die. You will live in that vessel and state. Hurrah to your immortality human.
    Applause. Applause.

    How can you come up then with the notion that one has to practice religion to have a personal relationship with God??

    Let me borrow a line from Jefferson Bethke:
    "See one is the cure, but the other's the infection."

    The Church has made a mockery of itself in recent years and in the not-so-recent years. And they only have themselves to blame.

    Is it so inconceivable for a person, to have a deeper and more personal relationship with God, to do away with religion?

    And yeah, hurrah for the humanity in me, Saint!!!

  5. #415
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masakiton View Post
    dili mani all about over population

    Ano ang karapatan ng mga bata
    1. Right to be born
    2. Right to have a family that will take care of them
    3. Right to receive a good education
    4. Right to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.
    5. Right to have enough food, shelter and healthy.
    6. Right to have a the opportunity to play
    7. Right to be given protection agains abuse, danger and violence
    8. Right to live in a peaceful community
    9. Right to choice and right to make decisions

    if ang family income = 20k pesos / month
    mother + father + 1 child = 20,000 / 3 (person)= 6,666.67 person/person/month= 222.22 pesos/ person/day
    mother + father + 2 child = 20,000 / 4 (person)= 5,000 person/person/month= 166.67 pesos/person/day
    mother + father + 3 child = 20,000 / 5 (person)= 4,000 person/person/month = 133.33 pesos/person/day
    mother + father + 4 child = 20,000 / 6 (person)= 3333.33 person/person/ month = 111.11 pesos/person/day

    Yeah right. We all like to talk about it. Right. Just ignore the obvious to defend your contempt.

  6. #416
    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    Yeah right. We all like to talk about it. Right. Just ignore the obvious to defend your contempt.
    And yeah, just ignore the obvious to defend your God- the bishops!

  7. #417
    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24
    If you have a conscience, then it's impossible to not believe in a soul.
    Sorry, but that didn't make any sense.

    Then you proceed to say this:
    You and people like you keep on accusing those who defend the faith as holier-than-thou when in the first place, they (the faithful) will not and will never benefit from encouraging you to practice what they preach. It will be your lives that will be impacted by it. Not theirs.
    ...when you say these anyway:
    Our faith is not blind. Instead, you are the ones blinded by the blinding light of our faith.
    Aren't these artificial contraceptions encouraging an increase in marital infidelity, promiscuity among other evils? Doesn't this constitute to worship of the body rather than of the soul? Oh boy. I smell trouble, eternally speaking.
    Anyway, going back to your first statement:
    You and people like you keep on accusing those who defend the faith as holier-than-thou when in the first place, they (the faithful) will not and will never benefit from encouraging you to practice what they preach. It will be your lives that will be impacted by it. Not theirs.
    Herein lies the ultimate problem with evangelists. They claim to know what is "good" for the rest of the population (a mix of people with different belief systems, mind you) - so much that they want nothing less than the legislation of their own beliefs and teachings, and the junking of proposed bills that go in contrary with their beliefs.

    Why not let other people be? All anyone really wants (including you) is to have the freedom to choose how to live their own lives. It's all there is to it --- choice, choice, choice.

    Or the condom that does not prevent transmission of the Human Papilloma Virus which eventually causes cervical cancer?
    That's a lie. Stop spreading it.

    Fiction: Contraception Promotes Promiscuity & Disease | RH Reality Check
    MMS: Error

  8. #418
    Quote Originally Posted by oisilener1982 View Post
    In reference to the RH Law, Palma said that even if President Benigno Aquino III passed the law, couples should not be afraid if they want more children.
    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    Yeah right. We all like to talk about it. Right. Just ignore the obvious to defend your contempt.
    if ang family income = 20k pesos / month
    mother + father + 1 child = 20,000 / 3 (person)= 6,666.67 person/person/month= 222.22 pesos/ person/day
    mother + father + 2 child = 20,000 / 4 (person)= 5,000 person/person/month= 166.67 pesos/person/day
    mother + father + 3 child = 20,000 / 5 (person)= 4,000 person/person/month = 133.33 pesos/person/day
    mother + father + 4 child = 20,000 / 6 (person)= 3333.33 person/person/ month = 111.11 pesos/person/day

  9. #419
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redemption32 View Post
    You say you see, feed and care for the poor everyday, so how come you do not know them? Over the years, the Church has been teaching the public that only one kind of contraception should be practiced- lest they be damned eternally. And you refuse to see it because you blindly follow what they teach you.

    You speak of truths, but aren't those self-professed truths? You are quick to claim that whatever word you're holding is gold, and whatever anyone else is holding is dirt.

    When I say become human first, what I meant was stepping down from your pedestal and understand where people are coming from. Assess if what you are professing (NFP) is the best strategy FOR EVERY COUPLE. I bet you've already heard of fertility indicators changing because stress and whatnot. I bet you've heard that the rhythm method is not 100% effective. Abstaining during your fertile times if used correctly is very effective, but factor in human error, then effectiveness is greatly reduced.

    You may be talking about the morning-after pill. But that is besides the point.

    Yes, the condom. It does not prevent the transmission of HPVs, but neither does the natural method. So why are you pointing out this flaw?

    Why is there a need to curb our sexual appetites? If we can give in to our appetites and be responsible about it (use contraceptives), why the heck should we??

    And wow, I honestly can't believe, as smart as you are, that you think artificial contraceptives encourage an increase in marital infidelity and promiscuity. When people cheat, do they think: "Hmmm.. I have an extra condom on my wallet, might as well cheat on my wife..". Or do teenagers suddenly think: "I scored some pill from my mom, might as well sleep with the entire basketball team..". People cheat and sleep around for different reasons, last of all, the presence of contraceptives.
    On the OT, how did you ever come up with people having a personal relationship with God and did away with religion? Isn't that a complete paradox in itself? Think about it. Maybe people gave word on your spirituality because it seems you don't have one. Or do you?
    On your claim of misinformation, that is you and people like you. You were made to believe that contraception is part of the solution. But it is not. Again and again the church is advocating that self-mastery is key. Controlling all our urges which also include our emotions, appetites for food, clothing, etc. does not contradict with our freedom. If true freedom is what we want, then it is not freedom from law but freedom for and with a purpose. The church can never be conformed to marry any age because she is ageless. If She married one age, She'll be a widow in the next.
    Lastly, we are all bodies with souls. Both go hand in hand and work towards a common goal. On the contrary, discord and chaos is the product of a rivetless society. People without a common good end. People who are scattered because they try with vain effort to eliminate God. Like laws that try to eliminate decay by promoting the use of methods which are the very basis of decay itself.

    I suspect that I may have made wrong assumptions about you. But in any case, it's a good thing you won't get old or sick or die. You will live in that vessel and state. Hurrah to your immortality human.[/QUOTE]

    Applause. Applause.

    How can you come up then with the notion that one has to practice religion to have a personal relationship with God??

    Let me borrow a line from Jefferson Bethke:
    "See one is the cure, but the other's the infection."

    The Church has made a mockery of itself in recent years and in the not-so-recent years. And they only have themselves to blame.

    Is it so inconceivable for a person, to have a deeper and more personal relationship with God, to do away with religion?

    And yeah, hurrah for the humanity in me, Saint!!! [/QUOTE]

    And the circles roll once more. Here you go again with those assumptions. I don't see the poor? What gives? Driven by an emotional outburst aren't we? What's the matter? Can't control those adrenaline pumps? That's why you said so many wrong things here. I'm trying to hold on to things more precious than gold but I ain't accusing anyone of holding dirt. That is you my friend. When you attacked church teaching. And you still insist that man can do without religion. Wha..? ...Where does he get his instruction from, himself? ...The bible? Where did it come from? Why is it here? Why and how does one have an encounter or a relationship with God if not through His church? Gamay lang ani nga subject para di ma OT. By the way, an attack on one religion is an attack on all bec. we are all after the same God.
    Contraception like I said increases the likelihood of marital infidelity bec. the husband or even the wife is free and clear of parental obligation. So does the teenager or the unmarried to fornicate. They won't fear conception no matter what they do. Doesn't that constitute to reducing man as a mere object of pleasure? What a total opposite to his true destiny!

    It's alright if you still don't get it. I'm not forcing you or anyone to. No I'm not a saint but I'm trying to be. It would mean a lot to the good Lord if you would be one too.

  10. #420
    Quote Originally Posted by wenlove24 View Post
    It's alright if you still don't get it. I'm not forcing you or anyone to. No I'm not a saint but I'm trying to be. It would mean a lot to the good Lord if you would be one too.
    What? Be a saint? With you and that other guy here, seven-eleven or something?? Naaahhh.. I'll pass..

    Oh please. Driven by emotional outburst?? I'm just waiting for 5 o'clock!! Boring day in the office, you know.

    "Contraception like I said increases the likelihood of marital infidelity bec. the husband or even the wife is free and clear of parental obligation. So does the teenager or the unmarried to fornicate. They won't fear conception no matter what they do. Doesn't that constitute to reducing man as a mere object of pleasure? What a total opposite to his true destiny!"

    And the evangelist keeps on spreading lies! Like you would know what a man's true destiny is.

    It's also ok if you still don't get it. It's 5 o'clock anyway. hahahahah.. "emotional outburst.."

    hahahah.. Thanks! Had a good laugh!

  11.    Advertisement

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