24 stabwounds could translate to a high degree of Anger/Hatred.
"JUST A WOMAN? Oh honey no!
I am awesome with a splash of bitch and a dash of wonderful.
in my opinion, kung apil man gani si Jonnelle sa pagdunggab impossible nga iyaha nang 24 stab wounds.
Possible pa gani nga wala siya makatampo bisan usa ana.
Katong mga lalaki nga kuyog sulod sa hotel kung mga veteran killers to sila mao toy nagdunggab nga murag walay kalooy.
i'm just observing everything... right now, i'm beginning to think this Jonnelle girl is protecting someone... or something...
oh well, til the case is really really solved, and til we get confirmation of what really happened, we don't have any right to judge the said suspect. it would also be unfair for her, her family if some of us don't watch what we say.
hala hala hala!!! mura lage ko kita ani nila ga stambay sa sari sari store imnanan atbang sa Teletech days before the Sinulog. Pwerte mka slangards murag naa sa Tate...there's a girl and 3 boys. They don't even seem to be Cebuanos from the accents in their conversations.
i just dunno if it's my imagination coz the Jonelle girl looked so familiar...
standing by for the latest...it's good to know that there's progress in the investigation.
niattend o ganina paglubong sa ashes. nice au ag speech iya papa. justice will prevail for te linv.
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