hinay2x lang mga bro. dili lang ta magpinatyanaybasin ikaw ma una then manghatag nya ang RC ug kwarta dili na ka kadawat hahaha.
hehehe.. sige pa ta diri?
when one preach about kindness and generosity, one could do it better through more acts of kindness and generosity than words. what better way to spread the teachings of christ than to do more acts of love which is the core of jesus' teachings. where is the love when you keep more than you need and left those outside your churches hungry and begging?
~anyways, most if not all are guilty of this. but atleast most do not speak as if we speak for god like the churches do ~
WATER BILL= 10,000
electric bill = 25,000
security 10 x 4,000
maintenance 10,000
BAL.---------32,000<-------------------balance NET
INSIDE DONATIONS = approximate (40,000+32,000=72,000)
ASA NA PADULONG 72,000 [pesos]? sweldo sa pari? kong upat sila ilang sweldo 18,000 pesos?
thanks for the good calculation.
di sure if sweduhan ba sila. di sad ko sure if angay ba sad sila swelduhan or part sa ilang management ang pag sweldo sa mga priest. but in my opinion, if swelduhan man gani, with their academic achievements, the value and effort, immeasurable spiritual and moral guidance nga ilang na provide ngadto sa mga followers I think they deserve more than that.
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