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[b][size=5]MANILA, Philippines – A leading Filipino obstetrician and gynecologist has stressed in an interview that contraceptives, in particular oral contraceptive pills, are not abortifacients because their action is to prevent ovulation and consequently conception, thus no abortion occurs.
It's amazing how ignorant this doctor is! Well, the evidence simply says otherwise.
- Postfertilization Effects of Oral Contraceptives and Their Relationship to Informed Consent
Arch Fam Med -- Postfertilization Effects of Oral Contraceptives and Their Relationship to Informed Consent, February 2000, Larimore and Stanford 9 (2): 126
It seems likely that for perfect use of COCs, postfertilization mechanisms would be likely to have a small but not negligible role. For POPs, COCs with lower doses of estrogen, and imperfect use of any OCs, postfertilization effects are likely to have an increased role. In any case, the medical literature does not support the hypothesis that postfertilization effects of OCs do not exist.
- Birth Control Pill: Abortifacient and Contraceptive
By William F. Colliton, Jr., M.D., FACOG
The next question raised by the authors is, "Is there actual clinical evidence of early miscarriage in pill users?" They note that the typical clinical picture of spontaneous abortion (heavy bleeding, severe cramping, passage of tissue) is rarely, if ever, seen by practicing physicians caring for patients on the pill. They seem to overlook the facts that the abortions caused by the BCP occur when the baby is 5 to 14-16 days old and that the lining of the uterus is "less vascular, less glandular, thinner" than normal as they described it. From the clinical perspective, one would anticipate a non-event, just as in over 60% of ectopic pregnancies. From the moral perspective, however, it is quite another story. What we are witnessing here is a tragic loss of God's children, totally innocent and made in His image. It is well to also remember that, from the moral perspective, the numbers don't matter. If one child is lost, the tragedy isn't lessened. Following this, the authors asked, "What is the conception rate for women on hormone contraception?" They answer correctly that it is impossible to say. However, earlier in their paper they noted, quite accurately, that the medical literature documents an incidence of 3-5 pregnancies per 100 women per year for pill users. Dr. Don Gambrell, Jr., a renowned gynecological endocrinologist addressed this issue during the educational segment of this same meeting. He noted a 14% incidence of ovulation in women taking the 50 microgram BCP. This rate varies from pill to pill and patient to patient. Simple logic informs one that every fertilization occurring in women on the pill doesn't result in a term "pill pregnancy" or a surgically induced abortion. But this is the precise thesis of those stating that the BCP is not abortifacient. Simple logic and deductive reasoning would suggest that many more than the clinically diagnosed pregnancies that occur are aborted because of the acyclic, unfavorable-for-implantation endometrium. If IVF practitioners relied on an endometrium that is "less vascular, less glandular, thinner" than that ideal for implantation, their success rate would approach zero today rather than the tens of thousands of babies born of that technology.
- CVS/Pharmacy (www.cvs.com), described the functions of IUDs in this manner:
“IUDs are thought to prevent pregnancy by making the womb ‘unfriendly’ to sperm and eggs. Sperm is either killed, or kept from reaching and fertilizing an egg. An IUD also may keep a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb and growing into a baby.”
He adds, “When a particular hormone pill in use is too weak for an individual patient, there is bleeding, signaling that escape ovulation may become a risk in a few days. The patient is advised to abstain or use a second contraceptive method to avoid only even the risk of escape ovulation, and not pregnancy.”
There you go. This doctor just contradicted himself. he has unwittingly confirmed that there IS breakthrough ovulation. When a woman has *** when she ovulates, fertilization can occur during those times. The question then is why are so few of these pregnancies ever continued? The answer: the
abortifacient mechanism of these abrotifacient contraceptives.
This doctor is so misinformed he's HILARIOUS!
this is a classic example of beating around the bush. i was asking you if you can cite any provisions that says selling of condoms, pills, and IUD are illegal. This is not about the RH Bill. I asked u a specific question and here u r making a different answer.
This is a classic example of
CHANGING THE SUBJECT. The assertion is that the RH bill is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. No claim was ever made that certain concoctions are illegal (unless there is a specific law that makes them so).
@wakkanaka and mannyboy: u see how ur misleading and deceptive efforts resulted into?
@unsay_ngalan_nimo is not confused and you know it.
She's just partisan. Hardly a credible source. And you're being very deceptive -- AGAIN!
Anyway, what are you worried about? I doubt if your side is gonna lose this poll.
and another one here myt already be confused between our Abortion law and the proposed Reproductive Health Bill.
That's because the advocates of the anti-life RH bill are
lying. The RH Bill
DOES promote chemical abortion through abortifacient contraceptives despite their lip service to the existing law against surgical abortion.