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  1. #401

    OT ta gamay: Advance Merry Christmas:

    My Grown up Christmas List
    David Foster, composer

    Do you remember me?
    I sat upon your knee
    I wrote to you with childhood fantasies
    Well, I'm all grown-up now
    Can you still help somehow?
    I'm not a child, but my start still can dream

    So here's my lifelong wish
    My grown-up Christmas list
    Not for myself, but for a world in need

    No more lives torn apart
    That wars would never start
    And time would heal all hearts
    Every man would have a friend
    That right would always win
    And love would never end
    This is my grown-up Christmas list

    What is this illusion called the innocence of youth?
    Maybe only in that blind belief can we ever find the truth

    No more lives torn apart
    That wars would never start
    And time would heal our hearts
    Every man would have a friend
    That right would always win
    And love would never end

    This is my grown-up Christmas list
    This is my only lifelong wish
    This is my grown-up Christmas list

    What is you life long wish and dreams? Your grown up Christmas list?
    My Life Long Christmas List is to become truly rich. How about yours? Hehehehe!
    Last edited by lorenzoleo; 11-15-2009 at 09:41 PM.

  2. #402
    Quote Originally Posted by emb_ventures View Post
    It is this "RESISTANCE" that hinders people from gaining financial freedom...that is why we need reprogramming of our inner self, para mawagtang na ning mag sigeg dictate sa imong thinking to resist.
    Pareho man tag mindset bro. Hehehe! Reprogramming of inner self kay it takes time, cge lang hinay2x.i lang until such time your a different person already and can able to handle people.

  3. #403
    I think it would help if people would learn to appreciate each other on both sides. It's not being devil's advocate or whatever. It's more like, expanding your mind set THAT NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE MADE FOR EMPLOYMENT AND VICE VERSA.
    I may defend the employed simply because I don't like people saying oh you're not exploring your full potential if you are employed. Totally wrong.
    But I never told people not to go into business.
    In essence, appreciate the people who are doing business... for the risks, the profit, etc.
    But don't scoff at the people who are employed. After all, it's being where you are happiest and contented right?
    We (well, I am speaking for myself and those who share my sentiments) are not anti business... We appreciate the people who are businessmen, in fact. We just simply don't believe that you don't achieve what you want with being employed.
    For the businessmen who said so, how do you think your employeea would feel knowing you as their boss don't believe in them? And as for someone who said that he is contented with their employees on a need to know basis, that's simply not being very helpful is it? It's also saying you, the boss, are just contented with a mediocre employee.
    Balance, that's why the world is still turning. The world would be weird if it's just all business, no employee. or who would employ the people without the businesses?
    My point, don't generalize... some are made for this, some are made for that.

  4. #404
    in business you don't have a ceiling of your income unlike being an employee where u are tied up with you income and your chair as well...

  5. #405
    Quote Originally Posted by lorenzoleo View Post
    Pareho man tag mindset bro. Hehehe! Reprogramming of inner self kay it takes time, cge lang hinay2x.i lang until such time your a different person already and can able to handle people.
    correct bro....and its not surprising why ders a lot of skeptics out there kay i was once like them...lahi ra bai kon ma reset na imo financial shows....and looking forward....dugay nako nag dumot ana imong img bai, wala gyod ko ka visit sa inyo office the last time i was in cebu

  6. #406
    Who says that being employed is being stuck in the office whole day long? and sitting in a boring chair?
    Broaden your horizons, peeps.

  7. #407
    of course messengers don't......

    And this i wud like to add:

    To those who are not business inclined ....why are you taking your time reading and posting replies here...Don't get me not driving u away......what i mean is....personally before i happened to come across this site because i needed more ideas about business....questions about it that i need answers...Do we share that same purpose?

    Im asking you this because im afraid you might be here for the right reason ....but obviously ...wrong approach
    Last edited by emb_ventures; 11-15-2009 at 10:23 PM. Reason: i forgot something to say

  8. #408
    "of course messengers don't......"

    For your information
    List of non-office jobs:
    *Law Enforcer
    *Car Salesman
    *Occupational Therapists
    *Church Workers
    *Skilled Workers
    *PR Officers
    *Professional Sports Player (Congrats Manny P.)

    Need I list more? I can if you want me to...

  9. #409
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackjellybean27 View Post
    "of course messengers don't......"

    For your information
    List of non-office jobs:
    *Law Enforcer
    *Car Salesman
    *Occupational Therapists
    *Church Workers
    *Skilled Workers
    *PR Officers
    *Professional Sports Player (Congrats Manny P.)

    Need I list more? I can if you want me to...
    no need i had those in mind b4 u got it posted and even more ...besides i want your post closer to where the TS had it started

    .....cheers b4 i close my eyes...will be back b4 sunrise!!!!

  10. #410
    Quote Originally Posted by emb_ventures View Post
    no need i had those in mind b4 u got it posted and even more ...besides i want your post closer to where the TS had it started

    .....cheers b4 i close my eyes...will be back b4 sunrise!!!!
    bro same rapod na sa imong gi post... be it close to the topic..

    Quote Originally Posted by emb_ventures View Post
    And this i wud like to add:

    To those who are not business inclined ....why are you taking your time reading and posting replies here...Don't get me not driving u away......what i mean is....personally before i happened to come across this site because i needed more ideas about business....questions about it that i need answers...Do we share that same purpose?
    bro the title itself calls the attention of Call Center Agents..
    and as a matter of fact most employees who replied here got their own business...
    People won't bother to stroll around this thread if they are not interested in a business..

    lets cut this short..

    so you want all people to venture in a business??

  11.    Advertisement

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