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A December 3, 2015 article and then an old one dated August 23, 2014.
On your 2014 article, I wonder what projects (personal) Rama wants to make loans after if ever they pushed through with paying a huge chunk of the loan to LBP since it paying off the amount would allow the City Government to borrow more money from LBP.
How are we going to pay-off the loans when clearly the City missed it's 2014 collection target by more than a Php 1 Billion? (dated Dec. 12, 2014)
Cuevas: City to miss 2014 revenue target | Cebu News, The Freeman Sections, The Freeman | philstar.com
To further understand Rama's way of thinking, he requested for a Php 13.4 Billion budget for 2015. (dated Dec. 21, 2014)
Cebu City’s 2015 budget bigger than Makati, Manila outlay | Cebu Daily News
Clearly there is a white elephant in City Hall and elephants belong to the zoo for attractions only.
On your Dec 2015 article, if we pay the SRP loan, by face value, the city would "save" Php 500 million vs paying the full amount + the Php 500M until 2025.
AND if the city would pay the loan, it would give Rama the right to sell the rest of the SRP lot.
Two items:
-Php 500 million is peanuts to the land value of the remaining unsold SRP lots be it 2018, 2020 or much more on 2025. Tomas has proven it and the City has already reaped the fruits of Tomas' project.
-Why does Rama wants the money so much? lack of accomplishments? funding projects? elections? personal?
My point is regardless of the reason, Rama has not shown a grain of integrity especially in managing the City's funds.
Until he can prove that he has not squandered our taxes, he does not deserve to be trusted. Balimbing.
PS. I just don't read the papers, but I read between the lines.