Some scientists try to find common ground between Creation and evolution by converting the seven days of Genesis 1 into long time periods. This change allows for evolution to occur within the framework of the Creation story.
However, Genesis 1 clearly indicates that the Creation was in fact seven literal 24-hour days.
Consider verses 5, 8, and 13 as examples:
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day...
And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day...
And the evening and the morning were the third day.
The use of the definite article "the" in the designation of the days implies a literal 24-hour day. Also, the specific mention of the day cycle, "the evening and the morning" further proves that the author implies literal days.
The Order of Creation
Evolution clearly cannot fit into the Creation paradigm because of the time constraints of the seven-day Creation period. Moreover, the sequence of events suggested by evolution do not align with the order in which Creation occurred.
The first three days of Creation involve the physical environment, and the next three days involve the filling of that environment.
On day one God creates light, on day two He creates the sky. On the third day, God creates the terrestrial environment by gathering the water into one place and letting dry land appear in another. He then creates the plants, which are to serve as food for the life forms to be created on the subsequent days.
This order of Creation leaves no room for co-evolution of plants and animals, which is a basic premise of the evolutionary theory. Here the plants are designed as a source of food and the animals that will make use of these for sustenance are specifically created to occupy the prepared niche. Any co-dependence is thus by virtue of Design rather than evolution.
On the fourth day, God creates the sun and the moon. If we were to suggest that the days of Creation represent long periods of time, our dilemma would be that the plants, created on day three, would have had to exist without a sun for millions of years.
On the fifth day, God creates all the creatures that swim and fly, and on the sixth day, He creates the land creatures. Here again we cannot reconcile the Biblical record of the days of Creation with the long time periods needed for evolution.
According to the theory of evolution, birds and mammals evolved from reptiles. However, birds and flying mammals were created on the fifth day—before the terrestrial reptiles created on the sixth day. Birds and flying mammals would thus have preceded their ancestors.
A similar problem is encountered when we consider the marine mammals such as the whales, dolphins, and seals which would also precede their ancestors. According to the evolutionary theory, these marine mammals evolved from land mammals that were forced to move to marine environments. But we know that sea mammals were created before land mammals.