di sa ko entertain ug mga questions ha...i will go back to my intention for this thread.
Let me discuss Jihad.
What is jihad?
this word is the most misunderstood and feared term in Islam.
by simple definition it means "struggle". Its not what most people think and it does not mean holy war. Tho Jihad can lead to a holy war but the word itself do not mean holy war.
Everyday in our life we struggle and there are different kinds of struggle.
struggle to have economic stability
struggle to stay healthy
struggle to acheive excellence and be recognised and etc...
physical jihad can sometime mean to fight w/ a weapon to an oppressor, this only happens during a time of invasion and physical oppression. Muslim leaders will only call for jihad if there are basis to support the cause.
In The Holy Quran, The Prophet(SAW) forbids anyone to go to war w/o a valid reason. Going to a war for self interest is punishable by God.
I respect your views about my opinion.
Tama ka naa man pud, lip-service lang man sad. Usa pa usually, ginakundena nila ang 'act of terrorism' dili ang terrorist mismo specifically.
Syempre kay di man na televised bai sa prime-time. Daghan man misikat nga mga writter/critics nga contra sa religion pero halos tanan ila target puro christian, for obvious reason we already know na.
You are showing your true color..dugay na unta walay evil nga mga tao diri sa kalibutan kung wa na kaantus ang Ginoo sa bugal-bugal nila..remember Jesus said once, "Resist no evil.."
Ay, wala na compared nimo sa experience ni Jesus bai samtang gibugal-bugalan siya (ambot kung kaya na ni mohammad o naa bay ingon ana sa islam). Ngee, naunsa man sad ka, lantawa sad to'ng mga disciple ni Jesus kung perpekto ba to sila, pero without a doubt Jesus loves them all just the same.
Brother, sa among kaugalingon as christian di namo kaya sundon tanan mando sa Ginoo. Logical lang kay kinsa may tao diay makatuman tanan balaod sa Ginoo bi? Kay kung matuman nimo na tanan sama ra pud nga Ginoo ka.
Taman lang sa pahimang-no ning mga pastor ug kaparian sa mga gahi ug ulo nga mga kristyano bai. Di ni sila sama ngadto sa mga Taliban.
Tama pud ka diha brother, kay daghan man sad mga immigrants didto nga gikan sa mga muslim world. Nindot no, muslim's were able to enjoy their religious rights in christian lands while they hang and whip christian OFWs caught owning a Bible or practicing thier religion in KSA. Unfair sad kaayo na bai..
Ah..so our way of life should be dictated by a group of people who claimed that their interpretation came from God and we should follow this and that. Sounds familiar and at the same time rather creepy to me. I maybe a christian but I do not believe most of the time what the priest or the pastor might said regarding our present social conditions. I like them better when they stick their noses close to the Bible and not sniffs on political issues.
How about islam, kung unsay political views sa ila mga religious leaders mao pud ba na inyo dayun dawaton sa way duha-duha? Kung di mu-agree hilum na lang ba? Ana ba na..
Last edited by Existanz; 08-28-2008 at 02:21 PM. Reason: spelling..karabaw inglis.
kung mu daug sa gubat? peace na kaha? tingali peace na kay hurot na man mga tawo.
all we must do is to do what "Imagine" of John Lennon implies
Let's discuss Jihad.
What is jihad?
this word is the most misunderstood and feared term in Islam.
by simple definition it means "struggle". Its not what most people think and it does not mean holy war. Tho Jihad can lead to a holy war but the word itself do not mean holy war.
Everyday in our life we struggle and there are different kinds of struggle.
struggle to have economic stability
struggle to stay healthy
struggle to acheive excellence and be recognised and etc...
physical jihad can sometime mean to fight w/ a weapon to an oppressor, this only happens during a time of invasion and physical oppression. Muslim leaders will only call for jihad if there are basis to support the cause.
In The Holy Quran, The Prophet(SAW) forbids anyone to go to war w/o a valid reason. Going to a war for self interest is punishable by God.
Everyday a muslim must pray 5 times a day.
1) before the sun rises, this is called fajur.
2) Zuhor,pass 12noon, its called Zuhoor.
3) mid afternoon pass 3pm, this is Asr.
4) pass 6 oclock, this is called Maghrib.
5) before going to sleep preferably pass 7:30, This is the final obligatory prayer of the day,its called Isha.
Usually the prayers last for 10minutes.
and Muslims do wudu or ablution(wasing of hands,face,feet,head,ears) before every prayer.
Then a Muezzin will do a Adhan or a call to pray,signaling every muslims that its now time to pray.
to hear a beautiful islamic call to prayer go to this link....
YouTube - Islamic Call to Prayer
these are the words...
"Allahu Akbar" - recited FOUR times.
Meaning, "Allah is Most Great."(four times)
"Ash-hadu an la ilaha ill-Allah" - recited TWO times.
Meaning, "I bear witness that there is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah."(twice)
"Ash-hadu anna Muhammad-ar-Rasoolullah" - recited TWO times.
Meaning, "I bear witness that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah."(recited twice)
"Hayya 'alas-Salah" - recited TWO times.
Meaning, "Come to prayer."(turning the face alone to the right and saying it twice)
"Hayya 'alal-falah" - recited TWO times.
Meaning, "Come to Success."(turning the face alone to the left and saying it twice)
"Allahu Akbar" - recited TWO times.
Meaning, "Allah is Most Great" (face back to front and saying it two times). Morning (Fajr) Prayers
The following phrase is added after "Hayya 'alal-falah" in the Azan of the early morning prayers:
"As-salatu khairum minannaum" - recited Two times.
Meaning, "Prayer is better than sleep" (recited two times).
I will answer any questions related to the subject of prayer only. Salam
@bro Malic
OT: Your form of worship/prayer is very admirable. It shows your constant devotion to Allah.
About Jihad, I remember I wrote a term paper about it back in my Theo school where I said it [Jihad] is a doctrine widely misunderstood by [many] Muslims and Christians alike and in other persuasions. Although I do not pretend to know everything about Jihad, however, I can honestly say that, in concept or doctrine, Jihad needs revisiting among Muslims.
No matter how well meaning Jihad was originally taught -- being a spiritual and ethical concept insofar as its literal meaning goes which is to strive to attain high moral/spiritual way of life [or to become a Muslim since it is often said that one is not born a Muslim; you become one through a constant struggle to be human.] -- it has sentimental and rather political connotation to Muslims because of its violent history. Not because Muslims are by nature violent (contrary to common perception), it's because of what Muslims went through as a people beginning at the time of the Prophet Muhammad until the modern days. Persecution, occupation of territories, forcible deprivation of properties and etc., necessitates the use of force if only to preserve their faith and their territory.
However, this form of jihad is the "lesser jihad" and is not entirely what jihad at all means.
In fact, I tend to look at this form of jihad as an analogue to the better-understood (but still complicated) ‘just war’ proposed by St. Thomas Aquinas and later on adopted generally by Christians. Thus, it is but just one part or aspect of Islamic teaching unfortunately magnified by its historical influences - making it a greater jihad to a lot of Muslims instead of the more important jihad which is the inner jihad which I mentioned earlier.
Jihad requires prudent understanding of its normative ideals which Muslims must or should use judiciously. And that the real issue Muslims must come to terms with is not just identity or what Muslims see to be unfair, oppressive, or ungodly (which is temporal). The real issue (like many other religions too) is faith, ethics and individual relationship with and devotion to Allah or to God. After all, isn't this the substance of all faiths?
Assalamu alaiykum!
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