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  1. #31

    I have not read the Quran, hence I cannot speak about it.

    Our Bible, like the Quran you described has some violence on it, too. The God of Jacob was a warring god. The seemingly impenetrable wall of Jericho fell under specific instruction from God.

    Well that how it was written in our Old Testament. The New Testament talks of love, forgiveness and all. Ang problema kay ang Islam, until now talks about their so called four (4) pillars nga ang usa ani mao ang Jihad. Mau unta naay gugma nga kauban sa ilang pilars of Islam.

    Hinuon nag hisgot sila ug ang Jihad karon should be construed as, "struggle". Ilang hubad aning is the struggle of every Muslim to better themselves in any worthwhile endeavor. Pero mau unta ug ing-ani ang pag sabot ug hubad nila sa Qura'an.

    My take...

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by paytera View Post
    Sa ako lang nakita, na-obserbahan ug nabasa: Dili tanan muslim terrorista pero sa tinod-anay nga panghitabo ug realidad sa panghitabo sa kalibutan, tanan terrorista muslim.
    how do you define terrorism?

    heard of IRA? NoKor? Burma? or our very own NPA? murag dili man siguro na sila muslim...

  3. #33
    Things to know first before proceeding to this thread.

    Muslims believe in one God whose name is Allah (arabic)
    Allah or the God of the Muslims is the same God that all the biblical Prophets used to worship (Noah, Moses, Abraham, King Solomon, David, etc)

    Muslims believe in all the biblical Prophets
    The Koran states that Jesus is only a Prophet or a servant of God and not a God.

    One cannot be a muslim if he or she does not believe in the existence of all the biblical prophets that came before Mohammed

    Muslim's Prophet Mohammed was prophesized in both old andnnew testament of the bible.

    Islam is an arabic word which means submission to God's will.
    A person who submits to the will of God (God of all the biblical prophets and the the God that Jesus Christ mentioned) is called a Muslim (arabic word).

    Btw, Im a Christian
    You can google these facts if you are in doubt

  4. #34
    As for Jihad, it is a misconception by some Muslims that brought extremism

    The purpose of jihad in Islam is not to kill non-Muslims, rather the purpose is to establish the religion of Allaah on earth, to establish the rule of His sharee’ah, and to bring people forth from the worship of other people to the worship of the Lord of all people, from the injustice of other religions to the justice of Islam. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism, i.e. worshipping others besides Allaah), and the religion (worship) will all be for Allaah Alone”

    [al-Anfaal 8:39]

    Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahmaan al-Sa’di said in his commentary on this verse:

    Here Allaah states the purpose behind fighting for His sake, which is not to shed the blood of the kaafirs and take their wealth; rather the purpose is so that all religion (worship) will be for Allaah alone, and the religion of Allaah will prevail over all other religions, and everything that goes against that, whether it is shirk or anything else – which is what is meant by fitnah – will be repelled. If this purpose is achieved, there will be no killing or fighting.

    A versw in the Koran , 5:32

    "Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors."

    Bible Prophecy of Mohammed

    Main teaching of all the biblical Prophets including the Mesiah Jesus Christ
    And the Prophet of the muslims is that there is only one God. And there should be no other to worship but God alone.

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by labtingaw View Post

    Btw, Im a Christian
    HAHAHAHAHA... TAQQIYA to the max ang drama ni manoy.

    pagsure diha ayg palabi cgeg PAMAKAK kay wana kay mailad ngari.

    TAQQIYA or PAGPAMAKAK is a teaching in Islam. now lets see how you twist this.

    Quote Originally Posted by labtingaw View Post
    You can google these facts if you are in doubt

    After your co-religionists gravely harrassed one of my friends (TO THE POINT OF DEATH FOR BEING CHRISTIANS/VISAYANS) on the streets of Marawi, that alone confirmed everything about your religion. NO NEED TO GOOGLE BUT LET REALITY SPEAK FOR ITSELF.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by marius View Post
    fafi ... sa ako pa g-ingon sa taas... if imong tiwasun ug basa, naa gyud explanation ...

    akong kuhaon ang mga lines diha sa imong gibutang ha...

    GIVE NON MUSLIMS THE CHANCE TO CONVERT OR DEATH - dba klaro kau ang explanation didto .... first line is AMBUSH THEM AND BESIEGE THEM ... but ang next is .. IF THEY MAKE SALAH AND REPENT, LET THEM BE ...
    Now, Muslims can EXTORT money from me or else they will AMBUSH or BESIEGE/HARASS me for being non-muslim, saith the "RELIGION OF PEACE". Ato kunong balihon:





  7. #37
    Theres NO irreligion in Islam...

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by marius View Post

    wala gyud nag promote ang islam ug violence, mga misinterpretation ra na sa mga bugo na muslim ..
    HUH ? ? ? Atong susihon ang ebidensya bro....

    Quran 9:

    SLAY the Pagans wherever ye find them,

    and SEIZE them, BELEAGUER / HARASS them,

    and LIE IN WAIT for them in every stratagem

    Now, its time for you to apply your unlimited TAQQIYA skills.

  9. #39
    C.I.A. Dorothea's Avatar
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    I was just wondering bah.

    The Catholics had Mother Teresa. The Hindus had Gandhi. The Buddhists have the Dalai Lama.

    Ang Muslims ba, naa ba sila sikat nga tao nga known around the world, someone who transcends religion, one who is admired by people around the world for promoting and espousing peace and love?

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorothea View Post
    I was just wondering bah.

    The Catholics had Mother Teresa. The Hindus had Gandhi. The Buddhists have the Dalai Lama.

    Ang Muslims ba, naa ba sila sikat nga tao nga known around the world, someone who transcends religion, one who is admired by people around the world for promoting and espousing peace and love?
    Mohammad, known around the world and admired by his People. I am not sure about promoting Peace and Love

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