I was very thin before, but when i started going to the gym and eating and supplementing myself with whey protein I only not develop weight but I gained good muscles.. Whey protein which I am selling at 2 lbs for 1,500 (buy two get 200 pesos discount) does not only add pounds of good meat to ur skinny frame, Whye protein is also essential in the manufacture of glutathione in the body naturally, without taking the expensive gluathione medication found in the market today, which most people don't know, Whey in the other hand makes the immune system function at it's best so expect ull never be easily ill, Since whey is the highest form of protein, it doesnt contain any fat, which can be commonly seen if ur just eating lots of food as means of gaining weight, imagine urself wwithout whey supplement, u'll look flabby and jiggling, and u'll regret ever saying I want to be fat.
So many have have taken whey protein and so many can atest of it's effectivity, Bottomline for me it is effective