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  1. #31
    C.I.A. Platinum Member æRLO's Avatar
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    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    I'll tell you right now, this thread is cancer.

    There are doctors who are leashed by pharmaceutical companies, but not all.. And TS, learn about FDA clinical trials and what not--because DCA, Laetrile, and MMS are still being tested--in most circumstances, physicians can't just prescribe treatments that are untested. Also cancer is a very complex subject that there is a possibility that these 3 drugs might not offer remedial effects to some of them.

  2. #32
    C.I.A. handsoff241's Avatar
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    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    Quote Originally Posted by æRLO View Post
    I'll tell you right now, this thread is cancer.

    There are doctors who are leashed by pharmaceutical companies, but not all.. And TS, learn about FDA clinical trials and what not--because DCA, Laetrile, and MMS are still being tested--in most circumstances, physicians can't just prescribe treatments that are untested. Also cancer is a very complex subject that there is a possibility that these 3 drugs might not offer remedial effects to some of them.

    Save yourself the hearth ache.

  3. #33

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    We've been fooled by the organized system: Medical school, hospitals, big pharmaceuticals.

    Half of what the doctors learned in med school were useless, utterly!

  4. #34
    Infractions: 0/3 (6)
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    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!


    Do not promote your blog all over the forums.
    We only allow such promotions under the Websites section.

    Remove the links to your blog from your threads.
    And by the way, everybody is entitled to his own opinion.

  5. #35

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    im sorry sir but you just struck a note here......

    i do respect your opinion....... but...

    are you really sure of this? really? seriously?

    have you been to med school and all?

    you know.... little knowledge is dangerous......... seriously....

  6. #36

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    Dont argue with an idiot, theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

  7. #37
    C.I.A. handsoff241's Avatar
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    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    Quote Originally Posted by YJOB View Post
    And by the way, everybody is entitled to his own opinion.
    The problem is he is not denouncing anyone's opinion, he just presented a provocative idea that will trigger people to react, click his link in the process and make money by frustrating someone.

    He never presented any decent dispute, everything is in stupid preformed response, asking everyone to check the link or the video. It annoys me of how he makes a fool out of everybody, luckily not me.

    This is not the first thread I noticed from him, maong naka bantay daun ko.

  8. #38

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    I dont make money from my blog by anyone clicking on any link on the pages. The banner on the right is my host provider's as a way of thanks for giving me free hosting.

    It's just simply an opinionated cute guy's blog.

    Back on topic:
    Probably half of what doctors learned in med school were useless (drug prescription, cancer knowledge if you call it knowledge).

    The useful part is probably their knowledge of the human body.

    If there are med people here, dont trust what you learned in school. Chemo, radio and surgery are not the only ways to "cure" cancer.

    Make sure what you're learning are the correct ones. Be like Dr. Max Gerson who always wanted to learn, and seeking treatment for his migraine, who at the time in the 1920s was told by his teachers and doctors that there's no cure for migraine, and you have to deal with it.

    Apple juice cured his migraine.

    Be like Dr. Burzynski who discovered Antineoplastons, another scientific but safer way to kill cancer , but had to endure 14 years legal battle for his cancer treatment to be approved by FDA. Even then, the US government prohibits any taxpayer money to be donated to Burzynski's cancer treatment research institute.

  9. #39

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    dong kabasa ka ani?

    From YJPB: Do not promote your blog all over the forums.
    We only allow such promotions under the Websites section.

    Remove the links to your blog from your threads.
    And by the way, everybody is entitled to his own opinion.
    you are ignoring a warning from mods... and yet you persisted.... i dont care about your opinion... just follow the simple fckin rules... you were able to reply 9:31 this morning and yet you haven't heed the warning... i think you have problem of comprehension.... we only have the privilege to post and share our thoughts but we are not entitled to violate rules... i made violations and paid for it, atleast i tried not to do it again... you on the other hand persists...

    and please stop using the argument nga similar sa GMA nga post.... lahi to dong kay ang nag post dili taga GMA... ikaw imoha man nang website...

  10. #40

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Who am I going to?

    1. Some doctors who are open minded about natural healing.
    2. Youtube. Watch videos of some doctors such as Dr. Max Gerson.
    3. Myself.
    4. My mother.
    5. I eat fruits and vegetables. Minimize meat.
    ironic the first 2 person on this list are doctors

    Quote Originally Posted by K0n0ha View Post
    I have also experienced myself that i could not forget ... the resident doctor even scolded and yell at me on the issue below.

    1 of the residents doctor said that ...... "PHLEGM" and "SALIVA" are the SAME.

    In Philosophy alone, the spelling of the Phlegm and Saliva are no longer the same.

    I even tell the doctor to search the meaning of each term in Wikipedia.

    then the doctor replied ... " i don't trust Wikipedia " ... and I said ... " What you don't trust Wikipedia ... ?"

    Imagine a doctor could NOT able to distinguish between Phlegm and Saliva.

    How in the world can that Doctor cure a patient who is in sickness .... ?

    Doctors in Cebu do NOT have any Experiences at All ... Manila Doctor are better ...

    In other Country, The doctor should RE-TAKE their Licenses every year ...
    the very reason is Every year has a new Medicine and viruses being encounter.
    I don't see nganu mas "better" ang Manila doctors.. they all take the same test... just last year naa taga Cebu naka top sa board... pero in fairness lahi gud kaayo ang phlema ug laway.. basin lain ang pasabot sa doctor you know sometimes dugay na kaayo sila sa medical2x di na sila ma sabtan sa mga non-medical people.

    Quote Originally Posted by K0n0ha View Post
    My only advise to all fellow istorya... " Do NOT ever trust Doctor ... search the medicine in the web before taking prescription "
    nya kung mo ana ang web ang tambal kay HCN?

    Quote Originally Posted by hobie View Post
    I also disagree that doctors in visayas are inexperience.
    What I know is that mas hands on ang mga student-doctors sa visayas unlike in Manila.

    To give a better view, lets take a loon on nursing students between Manila and Visayas.
    In manila, the students are not allowed to prepare the medicine, or give the meds of a patient.
    But in visayas & mindanao these nursing students are allowed.

    Same thing goes for the doctors though on a higher level or standards.
    I dont know if this is accurate, but I do know na med students of some schools are given the chance to suture wounds.
    In Manila, you do not to try those opportunity.

    For all I know, ana ra sila mag deperenxa sa medical equipments, since those in Manila has a better medical equipments compared here in visayas. But, content wise, they are all sharing the same "ideal standards".
    Don't you know doctors often travel to other countries to study some new techniques/procedures with the latest equipment... which are available in Cebu?(<- I know this kay I was at the opening of the new wing sa CHH of course I was not hesitant to ask) or mag conference sila with doctors nationwide and international to discuss the advances in medicine? How do I know this I have several family members (Manila and Cebu) that are doctors. Maybe residents which is usually by the book ang katong imong ka atbang?
    Last edited by P-Chan; 11-13-2012 at 11:05 AM.

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