@rjoseph123 for vaccines a minimum of 3x vaccines. y minimum kay some of the vet recommend 4x sad so depende ra jud. 1st vaccine will be on the 6th weeks of age then check the pet health card if when ang next due date. i go to aycardo to have my dogs parvo and rabies vaccines. keep in mind ayaw jud og pa vaccine if you notice na nagluya ang imong puppy kay kuyaw ma.unsa ang puppy. ila man sad na i check ang temp sa pup before hatagan og vaccines.
Rabies vaccines is given after the age of 3 months sa puppy.
Deworming your puppy you can use wormban or nematocide kay for me mas dali magamit kaysa tablets. imagine na imong puppy is too small to take a huge tablet. given every 2,4,8 & 12 weeks then after every 3 months. ako2x ra mo hatag sa deworm kay mas maka tipid ko. i just weigh my pup then kung unsa iyang weigh mao sad ang imong ihatag. for example, pup wt. 0.9 kilo then you will give 0.9ml easy ra jud. sa mga adults ra ko mo hatag og tablets.
and lastly, dont forget never to bathe your puppy 3-5 days after vaccines. and ayaw pa kiata maayo...
hope this helps...