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  1. #31

    Default Re: Michio Kaku "we are type 1 civilization"

    Quote Originally Posted by yhokz101 View Post
    Do you know what is type III civilization? have you even meet one? or at least know what is a type III civilization? until then i suggest you don't speculate..

    Einstein could be right or could be wrong on his theories but for type III civilization.. naah as a type 0, I dont want to speculate.

    "The universe will expand, then it will collapse back on itself, then will expand again. It will repeat this process forever. What you don't you know is that when the universe expands again, everything will be as it is now. Whatever mistakes you make this time around, you will live through on your next pass. Every mistake you make, you will live through again, & again, forever. So my advice to you is to get it right this time around. Because this time is all you have." - just an excerpts from the movie K-Pax.. nice story though.

    as per Kardashev scale..Type III civilization is one that controls the power of an entire galaxy, for a power source.It harness the power of billions of star systems. It probably mastered Einstein's equations and can manipulate space-time. have meet anyone?, no..ako nakit an si tobi ra sa naruto gamit space time jutsu ...

    the basis for that classification is simple..each level categorized on the basis of power source that energize the civilization.

    Type I - use the power of an entire planet.
    Type II - use the power of an entire star.
    Type III - use the power of an entire galaxy.

    the classification focuses on aspects of physics,such as energy supply. It ignores the predictions concerning the detailed "nature" of future dili jud exact.

    ok ra na mag speculate oi...sauna bitaw our ancestors uses only the energy of their own muscles, then they use the energy of domesticated animals..then the energy of the plants( as per Leslie white,Author of the evolution of Culture, refers to agricultural revolution)..then they learn to use the energy of natural resources such as oil and gas..then now harness the nuclear energy. so whats next? maybe master the power of entire planet..type I

  2. #32

    Default Re: Michio Kaku "we are type 1 civilization"

    The problem is..the technology expands exponentially, while human social (mind) aspects grow linearly.
    The technological advancement has far outpaced our social and political maturity in handling regional conflicts...basin before ta maka meet og advance civilization, we are already obliterated..yeah thanks to element 92..uranium

  3. #33

    Default Re: Michio Kaku "we are type 1 civilization"

    Thanks for explaining the details but i already got the idea of how they are able to classify the types, i have read it before. I just catched a line or two sa imo comment - "The universe will die either in "ice" (open universe) or in "fire" (closed universe), in which even type III civilizations will be unable to escape the final destiny of universe.".. Type III can harness the full potential power of the galaxy but cant escape the final fate of the universe? anyway im sure eager to see how we can attain from type 0 to I ...Or have we attained it already? We don't know for sure...
    Last edited by yhokz101; 11-11-2011 at 09:39 AM.

  4. #34

    Default Re: Michio Kaku "we are type 1 civilization"

    agree pod, much eager ko how our civilization can go to type I..they said around hundreds years..geee not in our lifetime. but basin mas paspas ana.

    lol, while thinking, yea how can this civilization escape the final destiny of this universe..while watching naruto..bang! jutsu..

    if space-time collapse, the only way the civilization can survive, leave space-time..out of this universe..hyperspace.

    But where?

    According to computer calculations performed by Kaluza-Klein and superstring theories at that moment after creation. the 4-dimensional universe expanded(our universe) while the 6-dimensional universe contracts. the fate of this two universes are linked.

    Assuming that is correct, our twin 6-dimensional universe may gradually expand as our universe collapses. Before the total collapse, the intelligent life may realize that the 6-dimensional universe is opening up and find a way to exploit that..escape to a higher dimension. thus from your quote from the movie K-pax..again and again and again.

  5. #35

    Default Re: Michio Kaku "we are type 1 civilization"

    agree pud ..if i got a hundred years to live...

  6. #36

    Default Re: Michio Kaku "we are type 1 civilization"

    i'm very pessimistic with our species, i doubt we will make the transition to type 1.
    reasons that i think will lead to our self-destruction.
    - economic system that emphasizes rabid consumerism. Consumerism that promotes vanity, vanity that makes people apathetic to their surroundings.

  7. #37

    Default Re: Michio Kaku "we are type 1 civilization"

    Quote Originally Posted by hexo View Post
    i'm very pessimistic with our species, i doubt we will make the transition to type 1.
    reasons that i think will lead to our self-destruction.
    - economic system that emphasizes rabid consumerism. Consumerism that promotes vanity, vanity that makes people apathetic to their surroundings.
    If all of us has that kind of thinking like yours then we're doomed. Common have some positivity.. If u think the world/system is nit working then do something about it. We humans are capable of just anything. We are at our best when in worst situation.. The transition i believe is happening already.

  8. #38

    Default Re: Michio Kaku "we are type 1 civilization"

    we are type zero and on the verge of upgrading to type is the most dangerous sine it can also kill our race .
    - type 1 civilization we are by then capable of controlling natural calamities such as storm ,
    typ2 we can use the energy of our sun as the sourc eof power in a solar system.
    type 3 - we are capable of harnessing the energy from a black hole ,will take millions of years from now..

    there is no limit to the poseibilities of the human ability.

  9. #39
    C.I.A. moy1moy1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Michio Kaku "we are type 1 civilization"

    Quote Originally Posted by yhokz101 View Post
    The transition i believe is happening already.
    Yeah, in a-fast-yet-cloaked-as-slow-paced-kind-of-way.

  10. #40

    Default Re: Michio Kaku "we are type 1 civilization"

    Quote Originally Posted by moy1moy1 View Post
    Yeah, in a-fast-yet-cloaked-as-slow-paced-kind-of-way.
    sometimes they called it new world order..and so scary..according to CT's.


    Michio describe our current civilization as type 0.7, our developing unitary planet have already these :

    *Internet is a developing type I telephone system.
    *English is probably the language of our type I civilization.
    *the world become more economically interdependent.

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