I am not muslim and have little to no muslim friends. But please, for Christ's sake and to avoid misplaced hate...
Referring to this image:
I ask you, can you differentiate that image with the following images:
There's a difference right? Now I ask you this, which of the turbans are we referring to as the one used by the bomber? Well your answer would be, the second image right? because referring to the Danish drawing, it is! damn everyone's so smart. WELL CONGRATS SMARTASS, YOU JUST SPEWED BULLCRAP.
The first image (not the Danish drawing), is actually an Afghan Turban which closely resembles the Danish drawing. The second one is actually a Indian Turban or a turban used by Sikhs, a religion that originated from India. RING RING RING SMARTASS. Herp derp all turban wearers are possible terrorists.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, DO NOT MISTAKE SIKHS AS TERRORISTS. How accurate is the Danish Drawing to Mohammed? Well it's inaccurate as f**k. It's turban alone is wrong.
To original poster, way to go for insulting people who wear turbans. To everyone hating Islam, enjoy your hate mongering.