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  1. #31

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    @palong: you said it all!

    @TS: nindot gud ni nga idea pero DMD ang mga bogo sa daan... mag baha! rain or shine!

  2. #32

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    need to know and understand the comprehensive plan..

  3. #33

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    TS.. have you been to roads other than fuente at that time?? freakin traffic occured!

  4. #34

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    We need Marcos or Duterte to do this...hehehhe

  5. #35

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    Quote Originally Posted by darkdevil View Post
    We need Marcos or Duterte to do this...hehehhe
    para ang dili mopatoo..ilubong nga buhi.


  6. #36

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    sa akng na sabtan, mao ni ang tumong sa road rev...

    -i-encourage ang mga tao nga mo gamit og bike/or any transpo aside from cars para maka save og kwarta (ky no need na mn na og gas)
    -maka save sd ka sa environment

    kani lang sa ky nka limot na ko sa uban.

  7. #37
    Elite Member em_b's Avatar
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    Aug 2008

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    i dont think thats being realistic.

    1. goot na ato dalan as it is.
    2. bisag walay lain tao sa dalan, i wouldn't use a bike to go to the ofis, init man atong dapit, manimaho na ka pag-abot. hehehehe
    3. i love running but not the idea of closing the osmena blvd. super kadaghan establishment along diha na kung imo ng sirad-an, mao ra gihapon, maggoot ang mga kilid na iskinita, hasta da ba tawng gagmaya. 2 major hospitals ang gagamit ana na road, provincial capitol, naa pay mall, naay hotels, schools, unsaon naman lang na? i know where they came from, but let us weigh also the disadvantages.

    closing one street to traffic will not lessen the number of cars, or even lessen pollution. gispread lang somewhere else.

  8. #38

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    Unfortunately two-wheelers are not given enough respect or consideration and big, expensive, gas-guzzling SUV's are kings of the road and the vehicle of choice for every politico and their extended family which of course guarantees their continued dominance here in the Phils.

  9. #39

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    save gas
    clean air act
    less traffic

    mag jogging nata tanan padung sa work

  10. #40

    Default Re: Road Revolution. Yes or NO?

    pfffttttt, it's so, good to be true

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