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caramel? it was his name or his mutation? if you said its his mutaion LoL...
it's not caramel,, it looks like normal AFT lng...
"CARAMEL" is one of the two albino strain of AFT's the other one strain is the "AMELS"
pasabot anang "CARAMEL" sa AFT bai kai albino genetics na..^___^
for example...let's say
normal het for caramel
like sa leopard gecko naay 3 strains of albinism the TREMPER,BELL & RAINWATER...^__^
and they won't change mutations bai if normal pag hatchling still normal rana 'til adult
u can't say "THIS IS CARAMEL NOW"..but cguro in appearance they'll look the same if they're hatchling but not all kasagaran lng^_____^
just my two cents..^_^
i think 'caramel' ang name sa iya AFT bro
so when he says this is caramel now, he's referring to his AFT named caramel which he mentioned is normal lang
but nevertheless, great info bro