View Poll Results: Do you agree on SIM card registration?

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  • Yes

    30 71.43%
  • No

    12 28.57%
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  1. #31
    C.I.A. AntitaniC's Avatar
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    the Idea is great...... but they're stupid to implement it in a TEXT CAPITAL country.....

    dugai man gani nahoman ang akong licensya...... gamai ra gani naay licensya sa pinas....

    butangan pajud ug simcard registration?

    it should have done from the start.... how sure they are... nga ma register jud tanan?

    kung dili d.i pakita sa phone ang tao? nya dili magpa register..... ka bo-ut kaha sila?

    nga naay mai privacy right kada tao....?

    and ibutang talang nah register most of the citizens......

    how would the law enforcers know if the users phone they're looking infront of them is registered or not? mang tag-na?

    or mang lili ug text? makichismis sa tawag? LOL
    Last edited by AntitaniC; 01-28-2011 at 08:25 PM.

  2. #32
    maau ni! para ma trace na ang mga mag binuang

  3. #33
    okay ra pud ni sa ako.a para identity gyud nato ang simcard bah.. if naay mag bnuang dali ra ma ilhan.

  4. #34
    Good idea,but it's quite complicated to implement, not to mention how to replace the simcards currently being used.

  5. #35
    C.I.A. icon_king's Avatar
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    actually if this happens surely mu mahal na gyud ang sim card. kay they will as much as possible create new sim cards that are only linked to one phone. like in the US some sim cards only work with only one phone, if you tend to replace it with another one, dili sya magamit.

  6. #36
    Agree.. ko ani!

    Support ko ani! .. Sim Registration....

    pero ayaw sa karon.. maybe.. afer 5 yrs.. hehheehe

  7. #37
    C.I.A. AntitaniC's Avatar
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    I think the only way I can think for them to really implement this....

    is to shut down every sim connetion in this country and roaming abroad..... why?

    so that consumers such as my self will go to the nearest mobile companies and register it to reactivate...

    but I doubt sun,globe,smart will agree to it.... as well as the consumers... shutting down their mobile phones would create a chaos....

    so I don't have high hopes of this.....

  8. #38
    This should have done 5 years ago...

    Anyway, it's better late than never..

    We should have this kind of system, and before implementing this policy they should regulate first the distribution center of sim cards. Dili lang kay bisag asa maka palit ta.. hasta sa street naa...

  9. #39
    na murag lisud ni maimplement sa PH, but uyon ko ani..U

  10. #40
    C.I.A. smictague's Avatar
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    kanus.a pa kaha ni mahitabo?. . basin istorya rapud ni kotob nya di madaun. . saon nlng.

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