kinsa man bayot nilang duha, ang musukol o katong dili musukol sa "midget"...hadlok man na si Mayweather nga madungisan iyang record....
kinsa man bayot nilang duha, ang musukol o katong dili musukol sa "midget"...hadlok man na si Mayweather nga madungisan iyang record....
tanawa ragod pagka hambugero aning floyd gayfeathers:
YouTube - Floyd Mayweather and the Real Rick Ross (FreeWay Rick)
YouTube - 50 Cent At Floyd Mayweather's Big Boy Mansion with Rick Ross' son, Tia and Diddy in Las Vegas
lami kayo ligoan ug pepsi, unya i-posas sa kahoy duol sa balay sa mga alamigas (nga pula).
hahahaha. very very gay
One word for Mayweather: RUBBISH
kaning negroha radyo baba kaayo ni... hagdon bitaw di mu sukol. bayot kaayo ug ba-ba
Some of my neighbors want Mayweather declared undesirable and banned all over Cebu. They also want online and media censorship specifically on Mayweather (from his past fights to news videos) all over the island as well - in short if you're using cable TV or internet here in Cebu, you'll be blocked.
+1 ko ani i apil na to si 50cent kay hambug pod ni sya basta maka uban so gayweather! mga pre buhat mo ads naa picture ni gayweather nga naay tatak "BOYCOTT OR BAN FOR LIFE" unya ato ibutang tanan sa FB, Multiply, twitter ug uban pa. tan awon nato pila ta kabook storyans dili ba makabungog? whahha.
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