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it's not the heart that control's your emotions.. it's the brain... if you love, you'll know if it's true if you can balance intelligence and emotions...
but hey, even others claim that "loving can make people stupid" is not cynicism, but science...
here's a neurological perspective of an expert:
"The human brain , has two very distinct areas , where thinking occurs .
We have the Frontal lobes , which is the logic and Intelligence .
For the most part in life , most people think with this area of the brain , controlling thought .
When you use this area of the Brain , you live in Real time or the moment , you brain is Engaged in Real time .
But , we have another area of the brain , which is far more powerful .
This area of the brain , deals with emotion , feelings , and Creative thinking and day dreaming .
To be honest , our Focus ( or your minds eye ) , can only be in one area or the other .
So , when your Focus is shifted to this other area of the Brain , which deals with emotions and creative thinking , your Frontal lobes , are not in charge .
This , very fact , is why many people are in Prison , they reacted with this area of the brain , then , after they do something stupid , they end up in Prison for 30 years .
All obsession , is thought stuck in this other area of the brain .
You just have to know how to Control your minds eye or focus .
This emotional area of the brain , will pull your focus away from the frontal lobes , almost like gravity pulls objects .
But , if you learn to pull your focus back , from this area , the gravity of this area of the brain , loses it's power .
You can only have your focus or minds eye , in one place at a time , so your focus is either inward in the emotions or outward in real time .
Learn , where your minds eye is , and learn how to take Control , so it's were you want it .
Most people think , that the mind is one , but it's not . You have two minds . If you did not have two minds , you would be like a computer , and not self aware "