Quote Originally Posted by brangelina View Post
I was a party girl before. Then I joined a church a year ago since then my life was never been the same...I converted into a Conservative Baptist last August. Now I'm active in our church and willing to minister my age group. I'm so happy I found a way to share in here. I want to share about God's love for all of us. According to the Scripture every payment for a SINGLE sin is DEATH. Imagine this: for instance i sinned once a day. There is how many years in a day?? But we can just die once! HEre comes GOD sending His only Son Jesus Christ, He now becomes the sacrificial lamb. Jesus Christ made a way. He died for all us so that we can be saved and like Him can experience eternal life with the Father. We can be saved by grace alone. Grace means a gift that we don't deserve. As sinners, we don't deserve it. But because of HIs love for all of us, He died on the Cross for us. He made that sacrifice! God asks us to believe in Him... So now, I want u to examine for a moment and rate or comment just HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE JESUS CHRIST or DO YOU
Thanks for reading. God Bless u always ; )
Is Conservative Baptist Arminian or Calvinist in tradition? I'm just curious