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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaytee View Post
    another well said from the master hehe
    Thanks Sis Kay,
    nakarelate lang ............he-he
    okay another one for you below..........

    Just because someone doesn't love you
    in the way you want them to,
    doesn't mean that they don't love you
    with all they've got.

    ~ by Author unknown ~

  2. #32
    Elite Member kaytee's Avatar
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    Thanks Sis Kay,
    nakarelate lang ............he-he
    okay another one for you below..........
    you're welcome

    Just because someone doesn't love you
    in the way you want them to,
    doesn't mean that they don't love you
    with all they've got.
    bulls eye mao jud. expectations can ruin things...

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by kaytee View Post
    For the past years, it's been pretty weird realizing how things have changed a lot with our lives. It's pretty amazing to note how things have got so complicated yet it's also nice to know how we've grown mature in seeing unusual predicaments in life. I just can't help but wonder what's next...I mean you'll never know really what a box of chocolates can give until you open them right?

    I noticed before, we used to love the thought of having someone in our lives who can love us more than we love them.

    We always fantasized on a soul that can give us more than their lives in living. I mean, unconsciously we extend the utmost efforts to care for someone so that they too can do much for us, and twice even more. Nothing wrong with that, but in the end, if we don't know how to handle things, that kind of love is the source of "abuse" as I might harshly say.

    We may not admit but oftentimes when our significant other has manifestly showed us the love that we always wanted, inevitably we tend to ignore them in the long run. Is it because we knew of the fact that they will always be there for us or is it because too much of everything is always bad enough? It's like a wonderful painting on the wall. Once you find something so beautiful, you tend to get close to the beauty to the point of being inches away.

    What do you get now? Only a small picture of the whole beauty...You now slowly drift away from the thing that you loved and miss the beauty from afar. But wait till you back from the painting a few steps again when you first saw it. What do you get now?The entire picture that captured your heart and took your breathe away when you first saw it.
    you're freakin right.
    we really do learn from our mistakes but it will also makes us become a coward to face the risk of falling in love again knowing that we will feel the same pain again.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by gARN View Post
    So this is the story behind the other thread huh?! -- "the one that got away"

    Well, as mentioned (..several times), we meet a lot of people in our lives.. people come and go.. as we make new memories, we forget their names, we even forget their faces.. but those people who have left their marks in our life, their memories will continually linger..ú Hoohaa!

    In relation to "the one who got away" -- I have been pondering "Y we let go of the people who are special to us.. Y do we allow them to leave? or Y do we push them away?" Sad to say m going nowhere.. There are endless reasons which can not be quantified.. so many variables which can not be eliminated.. Damn! If I can only get the answer to the abovementioned questions, I know i'd get a Noble Prize..ú Lifes lil' (..or is it enormous) mysteries.. Blah!

    hmm.. a very mathematical statement...

  5. #35
    dghn man jud mka relate ani imu post kaytz...sad to say, some learn to accept the fact while others are still struggling to get their lives back..i dont even know which part i belong..though i hate to say that i might still be on the latter, but i guess i'm still struggling to get over myself from a broken heart..i was a very cautious person, and i think i still am, that it led to a point that i was shattered just because i brought down my heart's defenses. but i guess thats what life is all about..

    "situation where you're entirely ready to give out a lot but no one is there to share it with.."
    -and now that i think im ready again, no 1 fits for me to share out what iv got..

  6. #36
    Elite Member kaytee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ierolennail View Post
    dghn man jud mka relate ani imu post kaytz...sad to say, some learn to accept the fact while others are still struggling to get their lives back..i dont even know which part i belong..though i hate to say that i might still be on the latter, but i guess i'm still struggling to get over myself from a broken heart..i was a very cautious person, and i think i still am, that it led to a point that i was shattered just because i brought down my heart's defenses. but i guess thats what life is all about..

    "situation where you're entirely ready to give out a lot but no one is there to share it with.."
    -and now that i think im ready again, no 1 fits for me to share out what iv got..
    awwww. its ok. sooner or later. that time will come . and i do hope na ready japon ka ma fall ana na time. kay sometimes, wrong timing nasad

  7. #37
    Elite Member gARN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wena View Post
    hmm.. a very mathematical statement...
    ^^Bwahaha!! Dont take it seriously..ú

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by ierolennail View Post
    dghn man jud mka relate ani imu post kaytz...sad to say, some learn to accept the fact while others are still struggling to get their lives back..i dont even know which part i belong..though i hate to say that i might still be on the latter, but i guess i'm still struggling to get over myself from a broken heart..i was a very cautious person, and i think i still am, that it led to a point that i was shattered just because i brought down my heart's defenses. but i guess thats what life is all about..

    "situation where you're entirely ready to give out a lot but no one is there to share it with.."
    -and now that i think im ready again, no 1 fits for me to share out what iv got..
    wala pa lang moabot ang sum1 na para nmu...i beliv you will soon find your match, not today, tomorrow, day after but soon...very soon.we really cant tell but god has reserved sum1 for each one of us.

  9. #39
    huhuhu... i can totally relate...

    i wish we can turn back time,nuh..

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by kaytee View Post
    awwww. its ok. sooner or later. that time will come . and i do hope na ready japon ka ma fall ana na time. kay sometimes, wrong timing nasad
    Quote Originally Posted by crush_23 View Post
    wala pa lang moabot ang sum1 na para nmu...i beliv you will soon find your match, not today, tomorrow, day after but soon...very soon.we really cant tell but god has reserved sum1 for each one of us.

    yea, thanks guys..well,i do hope and pray for that..i just never thought that i made a mistake thinkng that he was the one i was waiting for a long time..yet, he still left me shattered..believing he would be back..but i guess i was wrong AGAIN...

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