Glossy! nindot jud kaau lau ra effect sa matte kung apearance. mas mu mahal tan.awon imo item if glossy if you have the guts to clean and maintain it... if not, settle for matte...
Glossy Finish
Matte Finish
Glossy! nindot jud kaau lau ra effect sa matte kung apearance. mas mu mahal tan.awon imo item if glossy if you have the guts to clean and maintain it... if not, settle for matte...
toothpaste nga katong dili gel type please!
warning lang... basin madaot imong monitor kung gel type nga toothpast imong gamiton.
have you tried it bro?
these were example photos from an article:
click here to read the full article
@jayredd : wala pa bro, will post for updates basing ugma I'm going to do it.
@jayredd: i tried it na bro, pero murag wala man ni effect. I guess I'll just have to accept and deal with it.
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