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Dili man gyud na corrupt si Estrada kung ang standard nato sa corruption is ang corruption under sa PGMA nga admin. Pila ra gud to ang iyahang nakawat, naa ra sa 100's of million ang scandal, inya gikan pa gyud sa Jueteng, dili gikan sa treasury. Compare lang sa mga scandal sa PGMA administration, kato lang joc-joc nga kaso mga 800 million na, ang poll automation scam, hapit niabot og billion billion ang nawala. So sa ingon ana nga standard, dili gyud corrupt si Estrada.
Sa tinuod lang, kung si Estrada pay presidente karon basig mas nintot pa hinuon ang pilipinas...
HAHAHA..dili mn gyud na corrupt si estrada??!!!

what a fool..being corrupt is not based on what amount and source of money you have accumulated or whatever standards you think...better think again pare...
Cmon, estrada better than GMA? erap is only a blabbermouth who thinks he is
a smartypants but knows nothing..do you think erap could handle the global financial crisis
if he was still the president? I don't think so...I'm not pro-GMA as well as not pro-erap but the point here is, these two are a couple of douchebags...