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  1. #31

    hala ha! y gud tawn na gbaylo man ka sa tomboy bro oi?

    basin naa ka sala sa girl pud guro mao nkahuna2 ang girl ug kuyog sa tomboy. mau pa storyahi nlng cya kay inyo mana baby pud kha iyang g.anak, den if makigbalik cya, aw nara na nmo if imo paba dawaton or dli nah.

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by boknoy88 View Post
    problem ni sa ako friend, the story goes like this:
    naa cya gf and bntis na, after a few months gbyaan cya sa ya gf kay nkuyog ug tomboy, karn nganak na ang gurl nya cge nasad daw ngita nya, gsto daw makig talk.. kng kamo unsa nya buhaton?
    thats simple...mangita cya ug bayot

  3. #33
    kung ako ana d nko mo kuan oi n.biya na gud xa....pero about sa bata..kung imoha to dapat pud nimo atubangon imo responsibility...

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by simonjed View Post
    kung ako ana d nko mo kuan oi n.biya na gud xa....pero about sa bata..kung imoha to dapat pud nimo atubangon imo responsibility...
    i wonder how would the child fell if he/she knows the truth about her mother....

  5. #35
    if i were the guy, id take the kid and leave the girl and the tomboy alone. bahala na sila sa ila life basta ako ang bata.

  6. #36
    in my opinion....the father needs to talk to the girl,inspite and despite of what doesnt mean na makig uli or whatever....since iya man ang baby,naa xa responsibility sa baby,...just leave that girl and tomboy alone, gi ilis naman ka...faet! let it be then but the baby is yours to keep...

  7. #37
    hahaha sucks !!!
    kapoia ana bai oi ... i suggest nga bliki nlng for the sake sa bata

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by boknoy88 View Post
    problem ni sa ako friend, the story goes like this:
    naa cya gf and bntis na, after a few months gbyaan cya sa ya gf kay nkuyog ug tomboy, karn nganak na ang gurl nya cge nasad daw ngita nya, gsto daw makig talk.. kng kamo unsa nya buhaton?
    talk ra man kaha. tel him pakigkitai. then back to istorya unsa gusto sa iya gf.

  9. #39
    storyae brad...boot huna2.on tomboy ra btaw na wa btaw nay O*en..mao na huna2 brad kuyaw lng kung mo gamit og d*ldo..haha btaw brad storya mo kung magsamok2 ang tomboy sikari dayon..wa man cguro mwgtang sa imong uyab brad kung tomboy ang uyab...

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by fiero19 View Post
    if i were the guy, id take the kid and leave the girl and the tomboy alone. bahala na sila sa ila life basta ako ang bata.
    yup..the story here is not about you, not your girl and definitely not about the tomboy..tis' all about your baby!

    go talk to the girl, try to iron things out, and if she wanted to still be with you or sa tomboy..and whatever your and her decision is, make sure naa pud ka plan and that you'll be a part sa growing years sa imo baby..

    Good luck Daddy.

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