bile is green oi. hahaha. dark green or yellowish brown. hehe. basin yellow kay nasagol sa imong kinaon. gikan ka ato niinom or what?
i remembered myself tong na rush kos hospital, i vomited the same stuff after eating dinner sa urgello. at first puro food akong gisuka, 4x. gisuka na tingali nako tanan nakong nakaon on that day. then next 6 episodes were no vomitus or naay yellow bitter something na mugawas. it's not gastric juice, lol it could have been very halang sa esophagus dapit (just like sa heartburn).
not only that, i had watery stool. turned out nag amoebiasis diay ko. haha
good thing nagsige kog suka to rid myself of the parasites. but it was hell. grabe.