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  1. #31

    oh no! I love this fish so much and its cheap at 100p / kg.
    I started on it last week and had an 'episode' on our lounge to my wifes disgust!
    then nothing until yesterday then this morning.
    I 'googled' everything from oily discharge to gastro problems and found a link to this site.
    I found the info here the best as its so clear whats wrong with my 'rear downstairs area!'
    just an hour ago I was thinking pancreatic cancer, colon problems, liver disfunction etc...
    my wife was so worried as well.
    We live in Bohol. Im a kiwi born Aussie. never had this problem before and I feel so relieved now.
    thanks everyone for your info...
    I just joined up on the site and will be a regular poster!

  2. #32
    this just happened to me last week and this morning! it was caused by the fish as well as we bought it in Bohol and it was only 100p/kg but soooooo good tasting!

  3. #33
    just read this blog about Escolar (A butterfish with lotsa oil) the one that is being sold at our local market is also called oil fish (not blue marlin)

    eating this oily fish can cause Keriorrhea - a tad like “diarrhea” a nasty-sounding condition in humans

    Escolar: big fish with a little problem - San Francisco Culinary Travel |

    In the local market they call this one blue marlin in fact it was not, just try to check what a blue marlin or a white marlin looks like compare to the fish you bought in local market... guess some istoryans here were right they put marlin on the name of the fish so they can sell it in local market.
    Last edited by nailworms; 10-01-2010 at 07:25 AM.

  4. #34
    normal ra na para nako....inung ana ko everytime mo kaon ko sa AA's ug marlin

  5. #35
    yagit! yagit! yagit! yagit's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    fake marlins sold in the market..hehe interesting.. here's what i found..

    But it turns out many fish identified as white marlin were actually a recently discovered look-alike species called the roundscale spearfish.
    Study finds many white marlin are actually look-alike species

  6. #36


    For those who have not eaten "White Marlin" (aka escolar) yet, I suggest you don't.

    This 65-peso (Larsian) grilled fish has got to have the creamiest fish meat ever.
    I told myself I could eat it everyday while I'm at Robinson's Cybergate.
    Boy, I was wrong to the nine hells.

    You see, I had my regular BM the next morning,
    but was surprised at the oiliness in cleaning myself up.
    I looked at the tissue, and it was slightly orange.
    And the bowl was filled with tiny drops of orange oil.
    (Imagine drops of Mang Inasal's oil in your soy sauce-vinegar mixture)

    Could it have been my usual constipation? Anal fissure? Hemorrhage?
    No way! I wasn't feeling pain, and there was no blood either.
    Could it have been from my running, trying to lose weight?
    Or the lotion I put on my inner thighs before running?

    Frantic, I looked up the net for clues.
    Pancreatic disease? Oh, my goodness! I'm too young to die. Seriously.
    Reading further, I see posts about nuts and fish. Ah, fish! Particularly, escolar.

    But I ate blue marlin the day before, right?
    Wrong. I didn't know the name of that ****ing fish.
    AND, blue Marlin couldn't have been that creamy and white.

    So at night, I went back and asked, as I paid for my BBQ dinner.
    "Sir, it's White Marlin."
    But White Marlin couldn't be Escolar, right? Wrong again.
    This demon of a fish comes with many names,
    and the misleading white "Marlin" is just one of its marketing ploys.

    Ah, bless you if you fart. You will shit bricks.
    Just kidding. You will only soil your pants with orange oil. Yuck!

    So how long did my ordeal last? 2 days of grossness. Ugh. Never again.

    Orange Oil-like droplet in stool >> Medical Questions, Weight Loss, Pregnancy, Drugs, Health Insurance

  7. #37


    hehe...nka hinumdum ko sa isa naku ka migo...daghan kaau cya g kaon ani nya pag nxt day sa school nabasa iya lubot sa na nuon iya pantalon...hehehe

  8. #38


    mas maayo cguro d nalang kan-on apil ang panit...

  9. #39


    kung mukaon kag blue marlin, expected jud na nga ing-ana ang color sa imu stool...

  10. #40


    tambok mana sa marlin, mantika na nya natural raman na if daghan2 imo nakaon... hasul lang na ky inig fart nmo mo apil tong mantika ug gawas...

  11.    Advertisement

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