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  1. #31

    bottom line is, it boils down to the TS's budget.

  2. #32
    fanboys fight!

    old skool kaayo nang thought na 'amd is best for gaming'.. that was only true up to around 2005. amd fanboi bya sad ko sauna haha

  3. #33
    im a person who loves gaming and programming at the same time. i'm making applications that needs a little more on multitasking and sometimes more of it.

    so i would suggest intel... get the e7300 daugs...

    Warcraft and JDeveloper (ORACLE & J2EE) at the same time... hahah

  4. #34
    lagi.. medjo mahal jud ang intel.. the last time mn jud, dili au ko happy sa AMD kay mdjo gi sapot gyud ko sa iya kung mag edit ko ug videos.. hinay jud au.. I think ill go for the X2 tingali.. ok ba ang emaxx 690 na board then ako dayon itaud na Vcard kay 9600GSO 768Mb or 9600Gt 512 mb?? which one hehehe!!! free consultation na ni..

  5. #35
    Intel..ang x4 sa AMD ky mura ra og C2D sa intel..

  6. #36

    Default asa maka palit ug hec na psu dni???

    asa maka palit ug hec na psu dni

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by lazaro4ever View Post
    guys, galibog ko what processor to get... either the e7300 or the athlon x2 5600? dako ba gyud ang difference sa speed if i go for the 7300? kay kung gamay ra, cheaper man jud ang x2. last pc man jud nako kay amd then wla na au ko time mag research bout the difference.. the games that im looking at are Oblivion, Crysis, Farcry 2, CoD4.. ur normal games.. then a vcard dayon kay 9600GSO or 9600 GT.. pls help.
    There are no direct comparisons between the two baya gyud boss...pero this might help you a bit:

    Athlon x2 5600+:

    Techware Labs - Reviews - Intel E6420 vs. AMD 5600+

    Legit Reviews - $185 Gaming CPU's: AMD 5600+ Versus Intel E6300 - AMD Versus Intel at the $185 Price Point

    The only e7300 review I found while googling and it ain't even in english :

    Review Intel Core2Duo E7300 -

    You'll have to read between the lines so to speak para ma ka make ka ug informed decision in which processor to buy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Der FüHRER View Post
    fanboys fight!

    old skool kaayo nang thought na 'amd is best for gaming'.. that was only true up to around 2005. amd fanboi bya sad ko sauna haha
    LOL!!!! those were good times. I fondly remember the online fanboy wars of the socket 478 and 462 ( socket A for some of the young ones ) days.

    "AMD is best for gaming....." I used to parot that as well back in 2004, but i slowly changed my opinion about AMD when I started hearing about these Intel chips called Core 2 Duo or C2D, which were introduced in 2006, IIRC.

    Off Topic:
    @Der FüHRER: I finally appreciate the switch from a AMD x2 4000+ Brisbane to a second hand e6420 ( I posted it here: ). Just switched last 02/14/09. Exactly a year from the day I bought my AMD x2 4000+. Mas ganahan gyud ko lagi aning Core 2 Duo for multi-tasking and the fast load up times of certain games...also its a re-freshig feeling to be able to monitor exact temps of my processor unlike my AMD x2 4000+ Brisbane which had a faulty DTS and thus could not properly give me accurate temp readings ( Mentioned it here: ).

  8. #38
    AMD lang bro, you get almost the same in preformance in lesser cost, dili pa mag sakit imong bulsa ug dughan kung ugma dayon nay mugawas na bago na proci

  9. #39
    I understand your confusion since Phenom 2 is very nice.

  10. #40
    if daghan kag kwarta bro kay ok raman palit ka sa mga elite nga processors its either AMD or Intel way kalainan...

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