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  1. #31

    Default Re: Bad thing about Sparkle.

    way bad thing ana kay lami man gihapon hehe..

  2. #32

    Default Re: Bad thing about Sparkle.

    Quote Originally Posted by level42
    kung dili pungko pungko imo ipares sa sparkle, bati gyud
    sakto pa sa alright!Â* :mrgreen:

    sparkle, the incident wouldn't really affect the company and the consumers in the long run (probably) considering that sparkle is not as famous compared to coke, pepsi, sprite, etc.. but one thing's for sure, fongs eaters are not as worried too because of the fact that they (or we) believe in the saying:

    the dirtier, the merrier!Â*

  3. #33

    Default Re: Bad thing about Sparkle.

    Quote Originally Posted by jugs_06
    Quote Originally Posted by level42
    kung dili pungko pungko imo ipares sa sparkle, bati gyud
    sakto pa sa alright!Â* :mrgreen:

    sparkle, the incident wouldn't really affect the company and the consumers in the long run (probably) considering that sparkle is not as famous compared to coke, pepsi, sprite, etc.. but one thing's for sure, fongs eaters are not as worried too because of the fact that they (or we) believe in the saying:

    the dirtier, the merrier!Â*
    fongs hmmmmm yummy kaayo basta naay sparkle

  4. #34

    Default Re: Bad thing about Sparkle.

    maski unsa softdrink be careful gyud... kita na consumer na cguro ang kinahanglan mag double check kung unsay naa pakapin na sulod sa bottle or can nga ato imnon... labi na softdrink in can... ala ta kahibawo kung unsa nag agi anang butanga sa ibabaw sa lata.... extra careful nalang gyud.. we all know na dapat ang makers sa softdrink gyud and dapat mag check sa ilang product but then sa kadaghan sa ilang g process ala gyud ta kahibalo kung unsa klase pag limpyo anang ilang mga bottle

  5. #35

    Default Re: Bad thing about Sparkle.

    aw huon, most of these products are carefully tested and cleansed right even before it came out from the factory. and one thing, a lot of the packaging that these products are in were tightly sealed or packaged. most especially on trusted companies like coca-cola bottlers, or say pepsi. but right, prevention is the best cure.. so mgbantay lang jud ta..

  6. #36

    Default Re: Bad thing about Sparkle.

    but these products is very bad to ur health!!!!! this wud surely lessen ur life expectancy if u will not minimize drinking this kind of drinks!!!!!!

  7. #37
    Elite Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Default Re: Bad thing about Sparkle.

    Quote Originally Posted by jugs_06
    sparkle, the incident wouldn't really affect the company and the consumers in the long run (probably) considering that sparkle is not as famous compared to coke, pepsi, sprite, etc.. but one thing's for sure, fongs eaters are not as worried too because of the fact that they (or we) believe in the saying:

    the dirtier, the merrier!Â*
    FYI: have u been 2 the pungko2 at redemptoris or at JY Square or at the back of Orange Brutus Maxilom Avenue. The pungko2 there is not dirty as wat you observe sa mga pungko2 sa mga school. And ang uban pungko dli sparkle ila pares kundi Mountain Dew or Coke or Pepsi. Kasagaran mangaon sa pungko2 sa redemptoris og JY kay mga di kotse. Sa Maxilom mga medical student kasagaran mangaon naa sad ko nakit-an foreigner mokaon on pungko2 sa JY.

  8. #38

    Default Re: Bad thing about Sparkle.

    yeah ok ra man. basta be careful lang jud pirmi.

  9. #39

    Default Re: Bad thing about Sparkle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subzero
    Quote Originally Posted by jugs_06
    sparkle, the incident wouldn't really affect the company and the consumers in the long run (probably) considering that sparkle is not as famous compared to coke, pepsi, sprite, etc.. but one thing's for sure, fongs eaters are not as worried too because of the fact that they (or we) believe in the saying:

    the dirtier, the merrier!Â*
    FYI: have u been 2 the pungko2 at redemptoris or at JY Square or at the back of Orange Brutus Maxilom Avenue. The pungko2 there is not dirty as wat you observe sa mga pungko2 sa mga school. And ang uban pungko dli sparkle ila pares kundi Mountain Dew or Coke or Pepsi. Kasagaran mangaon sa pungko2 sa redemptoris og JY kay mga di kotse. Sa Maxilom mga medical student kasagaran mangaon naa sad ko nakit-an foreigner mokaon on pungko2 sa JY.Â* Â*
    yes, i use to be a fong eater but la na ron kay naa naman ko diri.. but i admit, ang uban or kasagaran hugaw jud.. but i dont care kay lami man..hehehe..

    just because professionals ang mangaon or medical students or di wheels, doesn't mean nga limpyo na..

  10. #40

    Default Re: Bad thing about Sparkle.

    actually, suki pud na nko ang pungko sa luyo sa orange brutus sa mango, kay sa cebu doc manko nag skul before..hapit kada lunch anha ko kaon kay mao ramay duol..then do u know how do they prepare the sili? kinamuton og hiwa, without any plastic gloves whatsoever.. kupot kwarta kupot sili..hehehe..

    pero lami ghapon.. hehehe... :mrgreen:

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