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  1. #31

    nice henry pwede ko mahibalo sa detalye

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by reachingout View Post
    nice henry pwede ko mahibalo sa detalye
    Good day

    1. You may register as a member or you can just sell the products directly. Pero mas better to be a member so that you can grow.
    2. You earn from discounts [direct and volume discounts] and rebates if you become a manager or director [based on qualification ni siya, usually sales basis]
    3. Membership is life time, walay demotion or pressure to hit a quota. You are your own boss matod pa. More sales more earnings for you.
    4. Right now, ang ordering is sa manila pa, first quarter next year is our target to open a branch in Cebu.
    5. If you hit the rank of manager or director, you can enjoy credit terms from 30-45 days. This one we will require you to submit warehouse check as guarantee sa imong gi order nga items.
    6. Direct discount is 20% which you earn outright upon ordering and payment of the item.
    7. Volume discounts and rebates [for managers or directors] this is given every month thru manager's check and is based on actual paid orders.

    I hope I was able to present the details to you properly.

    For your peace of mind before joining, check our website first so you will know the company better ::Welcome to Golden ABC::. Owners are Cebuanos, this is the same family who owns Matimco, LH Prime, BGI, major stockholder of Chong Hua.


  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by oninrocks View Post
    ang binary marketing plan nga point system deli na scam kay nag base man ta sa product every products naay corresponding points so deli gyud tanan binary scam.
    but why do you have to pair it? balance2x left right?tell me a binary system nga company that lasted 10+ years?

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by noslenrich08 View Post
    right mo bai dili tanan binary scam.. its depend how the marketing plan to move a product..
    kung inyo marketing plan can make product movement it makes your company last long..
    if you see the product na unique and consumable.
    musta bro? how long nmn imong company ni last? kamangi mna inu dba?
    enrich mnka dba bro?

  5. #35
    direct selling is already in
    USA sports
    now aa npoy lain
    it will cut cost mn gud
    thats a very good mkgt strategy

  6. #36
    if binary na siya, definitely in the long run scam na siya

  7. #37
    IMO, kun ang person will not work hard, any business he does is bound to fail. Networking is a new kind of business, different from the traditional business that we know. Is it lucrative? Of course, for some people who has the drive to excel. Like any business ventures, you must be patient and be focus on what you are doing.

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by noslenrich08 View Post
    right mo bai dili tanan binary scam.. its depend how the marketing plan to move a product..
    kung inyo marketing plan can make product movement it makes your company last long..
    if you see the product na unique and consumable.
    if it is binary its a scam

  9. #39
    the reality of binary will not last me a company that are using Binary as their mktg plan and stll doing good here in Pinas.

  10. #40
    The top mlm in the US is a binary since 1992. It is listed in the NASDAQ and has had many acclaims from 3rd party reputable sources. Its opening its 15th market in the Philippines this January.

    Binary works and is proven by this company.

  11.    Advertisement

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