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  1. #31

    yaw na pag bother ug love if you feel na naa something wrong..................

  2. #32
    Could you please illaborate further what makes that particular person wrong to love. Maybe he/she have somebody already so that would make it wrong, dba? So syempre don't hold on with that feeling because it would just cause somebody to get hurt. But if there is no string attched and you just feel that it is wrong, why not make it right?

  3. #33

    Default just move on..

    If the person have another girl/boy just be out of the big screen. It'll not be worth staying for. But then, if the person is free from some luggages, then maybe it deserves a chance .. so hold on..

    If the person shows you that he/she cares then try to stay and see what will happen next. But if that person treated you so bad, just look for another person who deserves your love

  4. #34
    what do u mean "wrong"? basta if you're not hurting anybody, then remind yourself what made you fall in love with him in the first place! think about it a thousand times. Sometimes when we're in love, we're too blind to see clearly and to think rationally. So ask advice from your closest friends. Listen to your heart..but use your mind.

  5. #35
    Elite Member T0xic's Avatar
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    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by devil@plax View Post
    wala jpon ko kabaw f unsaon pag.determinge ang wrong guy/gurl...
    naay skul parani? naay course?

  6. #36

    Default Thumbs down what if you love a wrong person? are you gonna give-up or hold on!!

    depende f i do luv dat person il stick w/8! or f shes worth...

  7. #37
    if you are loving the wrong person why should you stay in the first place? wrong na gni daan ang person labaw na nya ang relationship...

  8. #38
    dpende sa sabot...hehehe..if sayop na siya frm the strt and you dnt love the person,what's the point of holding on??but if you do,ask yourself if you're willing to sacrifice for it...that simple yet complicated..

  9. #39
    it depends on the situation and if the person is worth fighting for... y not?

  10. #40
    iL make it right...and if jud kaya sa powers, then iL let her go...oha! hahah

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