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  1. #31

    ^^ that remains to be seen but I like his chances though... I think he should be more comforatble with that weight...

  2. #32
    LH? dba naa man c lyoto machida dha og cla wandy silva? kumbate man japon ang mga away dha nga division bay

  3. #33
    wala ko kita ani nga fight dah

  4. #34
    bati man ang fight

  5. #35
    vicious leg kicks by griffin was the key to his win, but grabeh ang power ni rampage oi one punch upper cut sent forrest down in the first round.

  6. #36
    atay oi pildi dah.... rampage was disappointed in himself cause he didn't give the fight to forrest but the other way around.... u could see in his reaction after fight..... mobalik pana cya hehehehehe

    lh is stacked w/ great fighters,
    kisa kaha mo away sunod ni forrest noh! ako guess kay if kisa mo doag sa away ni a.silva vs j.irvin kay mao e.away nila..... pero c silva mn mo daog ana hahahehehehe

  7. #37
    grebe na kalindot ang LH nga division...

    pro lain pay ato... lndt jud ning videoha o...
    YouTube - Anderson Silva caught flying scissor heel hook

  8. #38
    i think, wanderlei silva deserves a title shot, or title eliminator between the winner of lidell vs evans against wanderlei silva.

  9. #39
    kung title eliminator man gali... blik away rampage ny kontra ni Wandy...

  10. #40
    bati kaayo kay gkan pa ug loss si jackson, he has to fall in ling again to get another title shot just like what wanderlei and chuck did.

    i think wandy should be next or eliminator between wandy and the winner of lidell vs evans.

    but there is also a big possibility for anderson silva will fight griffin if he wins against irvin this july 19.

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