In Germany not all Autobahns have narrow roads. You can also see wider roads. In my experience I had seen up to five lanes.
Basically theres no problem with fast running vehicles. In terms of accidents, there is indeed accidents but this is due to reckless driving,
drunk drivers and accidents due to snows....
When I left Germany, I was riding with a Mercedez Benz Taxi running at 190Kph, but then suddenly 2 cars came on the fast lane... its on the left most part of the street.. its an Audi and a Ferrari.... seconds after both of them were gone... its really really fast...
German cars are left hand drive just like here.
note: Its very safe to drive in Germany since most drivers are all well educated unlike here in Cebu. Most drivers are stupid !! Running at night at highbeam, overtaking without using signal lights and dont care about solid lines and many more.... Its getting worst in Cebu...
LTO is the culprit for all of this stupid things... there is a lot of anomally happening around LTO. Its so easy to get drivers license here in our country. You can just pay without having really an emission test... are you aware with all of these?? and many more to mention...
Mao ni ang reason nga wala asenso ang Pilipinas... Â*
In Germany you cannot get a drivers license without having a driving certificate from a driving school. And it takes time to get one....