Originally Posted by
Yes it really does. If you have a family of 3, husband and wife plus kid. When you come home from work with a piece of cake on hand. Cake is only divided into 3. If you have 2 kids, cake is divided into 4. and so on and so forth.
Oversimplification is a logical error. If we follow your stupid logic, then having ZERO people is ideal, which is insane.
You seem to forget that high population density creates
MASS MARKETS, MASS PRODUCTION, and ECONOMIES OF SCALE. Your simplistic household economics doesn't hold true for entire countries. To insist that it does is a utter stupidity.
The bottom line is that there is simply ZERO EVIDENCE that population density causes poverty in the Philippines (or in most other countries for that matter). In fact, low population gorwth causes economic stagnation, population ageing, and other serious economic difficulties.
Look at countries with very high population densities such as Hong Kong and Singapore. Thety also have strong economies! Even China, the most populous country in the world, is now an economic powerhouse. Obviously, "overpopulation" doesn't hinder their economies.
The cause of poverty is obviously to be found ELSEWHERE.
Wake up! "overpopulation" is a big lie!