^it may very well be that, granting that they already knew about this study in the first place. but how about those who have never stumbled upon this news? knowing about it but doing nothing AND completely not knowing about the study are two different cats.
A well-rounded person must try to learn a little bit (or more) about the things concerning him/her. At this point, I want to say, it is the responsibility of the call center employee to know the health hazards of working in this industry. Even if they didn't completely know about the study, soon they will 'experience' the difficulties working in this industry and I believe they will, by then, know what to do with their lives.
yes, there are a lot of companies who have 24/7 / 3 shifts per day schedules ie SMB, Coca Cola, Pepsi and most companies over at MEPZ. but that is beside the point, which is, has the BPOs started the awareness campaign for it's employees to let them know about the study and thereby letting them decide on what to do with their careers? that's the main point of reference of this topic.
It could also be that the BPO company doesn't know or haven't heard of this study. I'll try to ask my CEO.