I know, you'll say "Yes, but not at the expense of taxpayers' money."
.. don't put words in my mouth. This is not about taxpapers' BS im talkin about here, it's about the clear and present problems the world is tackling. And let me quote your thoughts:
If our admiration for brilliant minds like Dr. Hawking will only be limited to nods and "oohs and ahhhs" when he talks about his theories and lectures, then our lack of action on his request will effectively spell an uncertain future for humanity.
.. is not being interested in space exploration a means of uncertainty for us humans ?? c'mon, don't be ridiculous. You might have forgotten that physicists don't care about what's happening around them, they're only focus is to get their theories proven and make a name for themselves.
.. that dream of living in space is, like a said, four or five human life-time to be realized, while our current problems will be felt 10 years from now, when the polar ice caps melt.
.. and to make it short, that's source of the problem, the dreaming of space, when the waking reality is here and now - global warming.