View Poll Results: ARE WE ALONE in the UNIVERSE?

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  • YES

    23 16.79%
  • NO

    114 83.21%
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  1. #31

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    Quote Originally Posted by MyMaria
    very well said...
    and this one here is a good explanation (for those who need enlightenment):

    According to TAL, ages ago "...a CONFLICT with other beings, ELs [human giants] destroyed most of the Reptoid civilization, which forced some into deep caverns & others to leave earth -- to Alpha Draconis and/or Altair in the constellation Aquila, which in ancient lore was associated with evil reptilian creatures... The conflict is a Species War, between the Evadamic Seed & the 'Serpent' [draconian] Seed.

    "Under cover of darkness, with bases hidden inside the earth, this nocturnal invader has chosen to reclaim what was once theirs & use it, and us, as a staging area in their ancient conflict with the 'ELs'.

    "...We all came to know that the 'Visitors' were here to stay. We also learned how the Reptilian Race was RETURNING to Earth & the 'Greys' [who are mercenaries] WERE BEING USED to interface [with] & manipulate hu-mans. Their DEMONIC AGENDA was to keep earth surface [man] CONFUSED & unaware of their true nature & potential... ALSO THE KNOWLEDGE OF VAST & VARIED CIVILIZATIONS LIVING WITHIN THE EARTH.

    "The Fantastic Truth was made to seem a fantasy, a legend, a myth, an illusion! The REPTOIDS are RETURNING to earth to use it as a staging area, in their ANCIENT CONFLICT with the Elohim (the angelis forces of the Almighty Creator, as well as the Nepheli who were not angels as some believe but actual humans of tall stature who in ancient times were undeservingly worshipped as 'gods'. - Branton) The ADAMIC Race has underground bases within Mars -- they are a 'Warrior Cult' culture.

    "...There is a vast network of Tube Shuttle connections, under the U.S., which extends into a GLOBAL SYSTEM OF TUNNELS & SUB-CITIES... Note: The reptilians DO NOT consider them-selves 'Aliens'... they claim Terra [3rd from the Sun] was their home before we humans 'arrived'.

    "...As a species," TAL continues, "the reptilian heritage beings [the Greys, Reptoids, Winged Draco with 2 horns -- the classic stereotype of the 'Devil']... are highly analytical & technologically oriented. They are seriously into the sciences of automation [& computers] & bio-engineering [& genetics]! However, their exploits in these areas has led to reckless experimentation, WITH TOTAL DISREGARD FOR ETHICS [moral standards] AND EMPATHY. This is also true of MANY OF THE HUMAN BEINGS WORKING WITH THEM!"
    Are you talking about the Thiaoouba Prophecy?

  2. #32
    Elite Member gilbz's Avatar
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    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    Thiaoouba is the English representation of the word in which "T" is silent and "b" is a sound between "B" and "V". Hebrew people pronounce Thiaoouba "Hyehouva". Interestingly, this is the most frequently encountered word in the Bible, because it is the name Moses used to refer to "God" when he wrote the first 5 chapters of the Bible in Hebrew @3250 years ago.
    The message from Thiaoouba is that ‘‘material technology, without spiritual knowledge, is leading us to inevitable global catastrophe on Earth. Technology should ASSIST in the spiritual development and not be used (as it is used now) to enslave people within a monetary system and materialistic world, which are both temporary anyway.’’ ‘‘Superficial’’ is an excellent word you can use to describe the monetary system and materialistic world.

    At the moment, we focus most of our attention on our physical bodies, but this is a serious mistake. The physical body, like everything material, is actually temporary, whereas the psyche, being part of the Astral body never dies... We should concentrate on the development of the mind ...

    The people of Thiaoouba also stress the importance of our individual free will. "We all have free will and it is up to us to discipline ourselves in order to improve spiritually. To impose one's free will on another, in a way which deprives the individual of exercising his own free will, is one of the greatest crimes that man can commit..."
    In view of such a statement, our entire society on Earth is based on wrong principles. Most people are forced to follow the flock.

    Note: apparently, there is a race of ETs that call themselves the “jexovah” <ye-you-va>. It was mentioned in a book called “alien rapture” which was written by a former US military officer who have worked on several black projects in Area51. it was alleged that these entities are the one’s responsible for most of the miraculous events mentioned in the bible.


    Diem – you are an open-minded individual. All the info provided here are not meant to force people to believe in it. Believing is not the key…but awareness. When Galileo said that the Earth is not the center of the universe, he was condemned by the church. Nobody believed him. Why? Because at that time, people were taught to believe that the universe revolved around the earth…which we now know is entirely untrue. These ideas are unpopular at the moment because they lay outside the comfort zone of our conventional belief system.

    You are asking why they don’t make their presence known through the media. That’s a little funny and I appreciate your humor. Remember, these beings are not humans. Meaning, they don’t think and sort out things the way we humans do. By asking for them to use the media is tantamount to forcing ourselves to believe that they think, feel and reason the way we do. They have their reasons for not doing so (announcing their presence) and nobody amongst us is in the position to know exactly why it is such.

    If we think we humans are already advanced and civilized…that’s a very wrong assumption. We are still very much primitive and savage. You can see the evidence around and in the news. We are a very scheming, greedy and destructive race. Yes, there are people amongst us who are civilized and yearn for a peaceful world. But the majority of us are barbaric. Remember, we modern humans are a very young race. Even the dinosaurs ruled the earth much, much longer than we do. They walked the earth for hundreds of millions of years. The first civilization on earth, the Sumerians existed only 6,000 years ago…and we already call them ancient. Can you imagine, human technology only began to develop in leaps and bounds within the last one hundred years, and we already see ourselves as technologically advanced and a lot of us are pretty arrogant about it.

    Nobody here is being forced to believe all these stuff. just be aware.

  3. #33

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    what about this write-up... i think this is WHY the "aliens" are supposed to be a "secret"... guys, what's your take on this:

    The Record Keepers

    One of the major spots where records are kept is in the area of Machu Picchu. It is quite interesting that when the Spanish came, they infiltrated most of Peru but they never found Machu Picchu. The records that are kept in that vicinity are protected on many levels. Some of the present-day Incan shamans who are alive right now are protecting them. It is a tradition that has been passed on. Also, there are many in spirit form who protect the areas that are holding the records.

    At times in your history there has been release of information that could finally give you the truth about your heritage. One of these examples is in the Sumerian clay tablets. They were discovered and some were deciphered but unfortunately a lot of the information has been withheld. So those who guard Machu Picchu are very committed to never letting the records out until mankind is ready to accept those truths. Throughout time, it has been mostly the Pleiadians who have come and checked to make sure the records are secure, for the Pleiadians truly await the day when humankind accepts its galactic heritage. But since they cannot directly interfere, they can simply help to guard the records.

    Pleiadians and the ancient Incans have a very, very strong connection. All over your planet there are storehouses of these ancient records so that your history will never be forgotten. And some of the extraterrestrial groups have been very instrumental in helping to preserve that information. The Native American Indians of North America are also a group that has helped to preserve the information from Lemuria. So have the Aborigines of Australia. The shamans of the Native Americans and Aborigines, even to this day, right now, maintain extraterrestrial connections. This is something that even most members of those tribes are not aware of. It is a sacred tradition passed on from the stars, from Lemuria, to these native peoples. There are many record-keepers on Earth.

    We have already mentioned some of the belief systems you have today, such as those about Heaven, and how they had extraterrestrial origins in the ancient past. The human race in some ways can be likened to an orphaned child. You have a rich, rich star heritage from many different extraterrestrial groups, but yet you have never been allowed to know your true parents. No one is keeping this information from you, but up until this point you as a people have not had enough desire to find out the truth. Many people on your planet have been secure, instead, in the illusions of their own religions. They may provide comfort; they may provide a sense of spirituality; but they do not provide the truth about your ancient heritage.

    We are not asking you to abandon your religions, for they are very important to you. However, look deep, deep within yourself and look for the truth of your origins. Seek to discover your true ancient family. In a sense, you will no longer be orphans when you do, and you will feel the joy of being reunited with a very vast family. The extraterrestrials who have guided you throughout history toward this discovery still await your willingness to meet them, but in order to meet them you must first begin to embrace the truth of your past.

    You are a magnificent people. You have had many, many challenges that you have succeeded in facing. You are strong and you are loved so much by your family. This is the time of change; the time of darkness and ignorance will pass. You are moving toward the Light of your own truth. All of us await you there.

    Mai: Well, from the looks of it, too bad I wouldn't be alive by the time the truth would be revealed...

  4. #34

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    hmmmm... i guess every 'educated' human is aware that the life of other planets is a great possibility.

    I humbly believe that we are exactly in the position of questioning motives, but maybe not in the position to demand answers. Perhaps it's all right to ask, its up to the aliens to whether or not they'd answer. They have free will too. The Aliens may have their agenda, the Andromedians and Pleidians maybe are thinking what's best for humanity.

    Who are we to assume what an alien thinks (we can only strive to imagine) and yet... if the Andromedians consider us brethren, then it is possible that a certain early stage in their own evolution, Andromedians were a people not so different from us humans? And that the reason why Andromedians look upon us as brethren is because we have that legacy of intelligence.. we could think like them, perhaps after a millenia or more of evolution or perhaps possibly tomorrow.

    True in a way we still have a long way to go to be truly a civilised people. Once we figure out how to generate Unlimited sources of Energy (WITHOUT DESTROYING OURSELVES~!) and turn our sights not on acquiring possessions but on obtaining true knowledge, maybe then we will be ready to wield our Ultimate Destiny.

    @\m/ai, no fear...through Death, all Truth will be revealed.

  5. #35

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    I think it was stated that the Aliens (the one in the Thiaoouba Prophecy --- incidentally, they resemble the Blonds that was previously stated here) did not want to spoon feed the knowledge they know because it is somehow against their belief system of self-discovery and meditation. Its like truth is discovered once experienced, not told. They just show us the path, we have to have to walk it. And once we do, we gain a certain knowledge. Even a little meditation, once a day will evolve us somehow. And that is what they want us to do - to not stop learning.

  6. #36

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    ofcors oi.. tuo ko sa alien..
    were not alone in these universe man!

    check this out mga dudes;
    naa ta sa cebu ryt? and dli lang ikaw ang taw sa cebu? --> ang cebu kay part lang sa visayas --> which is part of the Philippines-> which is a part of (Southeast) Asia --> located on Earth -> the 3rd Planet on the Solar System -> the solar system is located on a small portion of the milkyway galaxy --> which is a small galaxy among OTHER galaxy in the Universe.

    So pila ang chance naay laing species sa laing galaxy? --> or maybe on the other side/portion of the milkyway --> how about sa solar system lang?


    *pilosopo jd~

  7. #37

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    kanus-a pa kaha ta maka bakasyon ug laing planeta

  8. #38

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    Somebody asked:
    "Can the Moon be inhabited by people in 50-100 years or so?"

    then somebody answered:
    "The way this world is going I hope so, the middle east, North Koreans etc... I would move to the moon and see how screwed up humanity could get again."

  9. #39

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    wa na jud ko ma sumpay sa mga replies ninyo...iv learned so many things.... :mrgreen:

  10. #40

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    .. it's so selfish to say that we are alone. that would be such a waste of space ( universe ), if we really are alone. and besides, if we are here, then there would be a very big possibility that the same events leading to life happened somewhere out there.

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