heeeee, kahinumdom ko sa ako lola ani da, hilig kau mobasa sa libro sa mga damgo. I forgot the name of the book basta naa toi name nga PROFESSOR SWAMI...
heeeee, kahinumdom ko sa ako lola ani da, hilig kau mobasa sa libro sa mga damgo. I forgot the name of the book basta naa toi name nga PROFESSOR SWAMI...
Think of the gate in larger terms as an opening in a boundary or secured area where one is not normally allowed access.
Is the gate locked or unlocked? Do you have to open it or is it opened for you? Depending on your answers, these questions may reveal some level of tension concerning an opportunity that may exist for you.What is inside the gate: a building, a sacred or taboo place, or a place of tranquillity and safety? You may see yourself going to such a place alone or with a helper for some kind of ritual experience.
If you go through the gate with somebody, it may herald that a relationship in your life is moving on to a different level (for good or bad).
Are you at a loss for opportunities, or do you feel prevented from making progress towards a particular goal? The gate may reflect potential progress, or the hope thereof, depending upon where it leads in your dream.
To see or pass through a gate in your dream suggests that you are walking through a new phase of life. It also represents new opportunities and possibilities, especially if the gate is opened or swinging.
To see a closed gate in your dream signifies your inability to overcome current difficulties. If you are unable to open the gate, then it indicates that your hard work will be seen as unsatisfactory. It may also mean that you are not ready or not prepared to move on to the next step.
To dream that you are climbing to the top of a gate suggests that you are trying to gain an upper hand on some situation. You want to know what is ahead for you before you commit to something. If you climb over the gate, then it means that you are looking for a shortcut in life. It may also refer to your impatience.
Spiritual Icons
Dreaming of spiritual or religious icons often reflects either power or unity. We want to feel united with the universe, and icons are a good way to symbolize that identification. Other times, you may dream of being in a situation where supernatural power is required to resolve the conflict. In this case, icons serve as the vehicle or symbol of that power.
There are countless icon images available to all humans. The ones you find in your dreams will relate to your experience in life. (Some examples are: the crucifix, the full moon, the Star of David, Stonehenge, and the Buddha.)
Are your experiences with icons tied to sacred or supernatural events that you prescribe to in waking life?
Are the icons revered or disdained by others in your dream? How do you feel about it?
The moon is often an archetypal woman image. In many cultures and religious orders, the moon is identified as a mother figure. This is true in Native American, African, Christian, and Eastern literature and lore. The moon dream may come with or generate an intuitive feeling that someone in the inner circle of your life is pregnant.
Another moon scenario is a product of the twentieth century. Specifically, the desire for space travel. These dreams can be based on either the scientific desire to experience the event or the spiritual desire for absolute separation from the churning, tumultuous human experience on earth.
The moon can also evoke feelings of magic and mystery.
Running is a traditional symbol of health and vitality in addition to being a means of fleeing potential danger. Thus running could be considered a dream of virility, as well as fear.
Usually, in a dream of running in which fear is the dominant emotion, you will find that you can either run all night and successfully escape the danger (albeit with a serious emotional drain), or you find that you continue to falter and stumble, making the object of your fear even more terrifying. In the latter case, try to relate the dream situation to a situation in your life where you are feeling incredible pressure. Sometimes a simple change of perception can solve the problem.
To dream that you are running away from someone indicates an issue that you are trying to avoid. You are not taking or accepting responsibility for your actions. In particular, if you are running from an attacker or any danger, then it suggests that you are not facing and confronting your fears.
To dream that something or someone is running towards you refers to your willingness to confront any situation head on. You need to analyze the significance of what is running towards you. If you are the one running towards someone or something, then it refers to your determination to go after what you want. Consider who or what you are running towards for additional analysis.
To dream that you are trying to run but cannot make your feet move as fast as you want them to signifies lack of self-esteem and self-confidence. It may also reflect your actual state of REM paralysis during the dream state.
To dream that you are running alone refers to your determination and motivation in the pursuit of your goals. You will find success and rise above those around you. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you need to hurry up in making a decision.
Who you are in your dreams says a lot about your body image in waking. Many times, you experience your body in dreams as just a regular version of you. However, another time you may see it as idealized or disfigured. These feelings about your body may be communicating how you perceive yourself or how you think others perceive you, for better or worse. Often, how you think about your body reflects how you think about yourself as a whole person.
When an experience of body perception is central to a dream it is worthwhile to analyze the origin of your feelings about the body perception or image. At times, our bodies will dramatically change in dreams to acquire various mystic properties. These include walking through walls, flexibility increases, or changes in height and shape. These are often just problem-solving techniques. However, they may also reveal a sense of limitation from one's body or power over one's body.
Other times, we or others in the dream will transform from a human form into something else. Transitions of this nature can be absurdly funny, or a little frightening. Sometimes, we will adopt a human body that fits the needs of the dream circumstances. This is the anima/animus experience at work in the self. Other times, we can adopt an animal body to achieve a particular goal or character attribute. These events reveal areas where we feel either strong competence or distinct weaknesses in our character. Does your sense of body seem similar to that of waking life?
If changed for the worse, does your body completely prevent you from succeeding in the dream, or does it merely make things more difficult?
Tarot Cards
Tarot cards have recently received renewed popularity. Often times, dreaming about a psychic reading indicates a desire for a third party to illuminate and validate some big decision(s) you are facing. A contrasting possibility is that you feel as though your decisions are not important and your life is in the hands of fate, outside your personal control. Whether or not you subscribe to psychic practices in waking life is the most important element of discerning the meaning of this dream event.
To dream of a tarot reading indicates your current situation and state of mind. You are open to exploring your subconscious thoughts and feelings. Pay attention to what the Tarot Cards reveal. Consider the following general meanings of the four Tarot suits: The Wands represent fire, inspiration, spirituality, action, initiative, and the Psyche. The suit of the Swords signify air, determination, strength, faith, and conquering of fear. The Cups symbolize water, emotions, purity, and your outlook toward life and the future. The Pentacles denote finances, social influence, worldly knowledge, and your connection with nature and earth.
Last edited by hlongimanus; 12-12-2012 at 11:22 AM.
Animals in dreams can take on almost any conceivable character or symbolic role. From some of the earliest recorded human dreams, animals have revealed much about the meaning of a particular dream. This includes dreams of personal insight or circumstances, and also dreams of revelatory content. Animals can befriend us, talk with us, chase us, eat us, or just be there in the dream to either comfort or bother us.
Animals often appear in dreams for very personal reasons, and have to do with your own experiences with them.
How you experience an animal in both waking and sleeping is central to its meaning. This includes both how the animal actually behaves in your dream, and your waking stereotypical attitude about the animal. This is important because the two may be juxtaposed.
Consider a dog. Dogs are often considered to be loyal and friendly. However, many people have a deeply rooted fear of dogs. Dogs also have stereotypes that are opposites (for example, man's best friend versus call off the dogs). People with a deeply held fear of dogs may experience a dog dream that validates the fear one night and contradicts it another time.
What the animal is doing is also central to how the dream is interpreted. Are you being chased by animals? Eaten by animals? Talking with animals?
Farm animals are not too unusual in dreams. However, they seem to be less common than they were in more agricultural times. Grazing farm animals generally reflect a sense of being provided for adequately. In early dream history, grazing animals were taken as a sign that prosperity and calm were coming to, or prevalent in, a land.
Killing animals is a more unusual dream theme that divides into two general areas: killing by necessity, and killing arbitrarily. Killing out of necessity could be a hunter-provider archetype dream or a survival dream. These dreams often reflect a sense of responsibility for the other characters in the dream or of a need to prove oneself. Dreams of killing animals arbitrarily may reflect either wish-fulfillment, anger projection, or frustration with a social taboo.
Wish-fulfillment and anger projection have much to do with how you perceive the animal you are killing.
Does this animal have any representation for you among persons in general or do you characterize a specific person as an animal when speaking of them?
The social taboo of arbitrarily wounding or killing animals has become a criterion for evaluating antisocial behavior in people. Consequently, it is not surprising that in dreams this would be a sign of taboo frustration. Again, what the animal represents may be of significance to you.
Starving animals hold significance in agricultural societies and Native American spirituality. These animals often reflect a concern or foreboding about the adequacy of needs being met the future. In the past, starving animals were a reflection or anticipation of famine periods. Starving animals may also be metaphors for relationship transactions in which you participate.
Common animals' stereotypical perceptions that may appear in dreams as metaphors for yourself or others (listed as good-bad): Cat: quiet, independent-aloof, disengaged
Cow: provider, gentle-easily intimidated
Dog: loyal, friendly-consumptive, aggressive
Horse: hardworking, useful-strong-willed, independent
Mouse: quiet; diminutive-unable to assert power
Ox: hardworking-dumb
Pig: clean, smart-gluttonous, dirty
Rabbit: fast, gentle, fertile-timid
Sidewalks define the path in most neighborhoods. In dreams, the sidewalk often feels more like the yellow-brick road in The Wizard of Oz, intended to help you stay on course. The sidewalk is interesting because it often leads to scenes that would not be found in a neighborhood. Instead, the sidewalk leads to mountains, caves, volcanoes, etc. It often leads the dreamer to the next place in order to move the dream story forward. As nonsensical as this sort of appearance of a sidewalk may seem, it is merely a method that your unconscious mind uses to further the dream story (such as the use of a well-known object or person as a bridge between story elements).
It is important to recognize that dreaming about a sidewalk as a significant symbol of the dream interpretation is rare. More often, the sidewalk is simply part of a common street scene.
Does the sidewalk take you to a place that sidewalks usually don't go?
Is the sidewalk or the street that you are walking along a familiar one or is it just an archetype of a sidewalk?
Because our dreams are our own creation, it is very common for a dreamer to experience the role of hero within a dream. Usually this is a sign that the person is very confident in life in general, or in a specific aspect of their life which is addressed in the dream. The fact that you are the hero in a dream may arise soon after you have accomplished something. It is even better to have such a dream just before taking on a challenge of some sort in your waking life.
The fact that you may find yourself enhanced with incredible skills or superhuman powers is noteworthy.
What special skills did you have in the dream?
Were there any recognizable people in the dream? If so, their presence may indicate the area to which you should attribute the dream's implied meaning-business, home, or leisure pursuit.
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