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Results 381 to 390 of 668
  1. #381

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    it appears nga dili tanan mga pari tarong sa pagserbisyo sa ginoo and some of them ni service sa darkness...nyahahah..which is true and certified correct..

  2. #382

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    Quote Originally Posted by orcgod View Post
    come to think of it...

    All the Priests do is open their mouth, tell all fantasy stories, ya'll go to heaven and all that crap, then open up their pockets, steal and lie INFRONT of the POOR PEOPLE, and cash in their checks.

    No difference from Bank Robbers and Scam Artists.

    Pwede mani sila makiha. But all efforts will be useless, because money talks. Kung naay mukiha sa Vatican or Catholic Church, they will use the poor people's money to pay their big time lawyers to defend their Scams.

    Kaluoy sad sa mga tao nang hatag ug kwarta kada domingo. Well, at least im not one of them.
    Religion is a scam; RCC in the Philippines is no different.

  3. #383

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    Quote Originally Posted by miekuh View Post
    mga brothers and sister, try kuno ninyo read and understand sa bible about the tithes kung asa padulong or kung unsay gamiton.

    Malachi 3:10 - Passage Lookup - New International Version -
    That, coupled with a little brainwash here and there, and you got yourself a successful business. It's too easy.

  4. #384

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    Quote Originally Posted by vipvip68 View Post
    The main issue here is that the Church CAN do so much more for the community with the money it is keeping for itself. In the first place, that money was given to them with the explicit understanding that it would benefit the poor.

    Don't you consider it a SIN that the Church is keeping this money stored in stocks/businesses when that same money could have been used to help a lot of people.
    Maoy nay dili makita sa uban nga istoryan diri bro. Ila permi balik2x nga dili daw pinugsanay ang pag donate. Wala jud question about ana pero ang real question is ngano dili man gamiton ang money para pagtabang sa mga kadaghanan? Ngano tigumon pa man and padak-on? Huwat pa sila moabot ug trillion before sila mo withdraw ug dako2x? Sila ra gali nag ingon nga dapat dili daw ta mag tigum ug daghan kwarta kay dili na madala sa langit. Mao na d ay to, giingnan ta nga dili magtigom daghan kwarta kay para ihatag nato sa ilaha then sila mahimo dato, kita mahimong pobre. Kadtong nagpaka buta bungol, well.. ila pud na. Mga close minded-kaayo

  5. #385

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    Quote Originally Posted by treize View Post
    Seriously? You really believe that the donation you are giving to the Church will be given to the poor? And why is it, that the poor people also donates money to the Church?
    gipa kunsensha man bro

    Quote Originally Posted by treize View Post
    Og ang donation sa simbahan ipanghatag sa pari ngadto sa mga pubri, unsa naman lang imong ipakaon sa pari nga wala mana silay sweldo?
    naa man makaon ang pari bro. 17B man gali asset nila. dili pa na paigo sa ilang adlaw2x nga pagkaon ug uban pang mga necessities?

    Para nimo bro, unsa man d ay reason ngano mangayo ang simbahan ug donation?

  6. #386

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    dli raman cguro RCC ang daghan kwarta.... mas grabe gani ang uban religion kay mo gamit og proxy name pra dli ma traced-up....wew..... kanang religion ni TS kay payter kaau na basta mo simba mo kay kamo tagaan og kwarta... saman kinsay mo kuyog nko? every week tga friday 11pm

  7. #387

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    pamalhin lang mo inyon manang katongud...

  8. #388

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    Quote Originally Posted by vipvip68 View Post

    What the church is doing is actually a betrayal of our reason for donating money to them as only a small percentage of the donations end up towards helping the poor.
    Exactly, at least someone here gets the idea.

    Unsa man buhaton sa simbahan when it comes to our money? The ask for donations.

    What do scam/con artists do? They do the same. ask for help, investment, and what not. BUt of course, here we DO KNOW gigamit ang kwarta sa laing lugar.

    Naai uban diha mo ingon at least daw wala gigamit sa dautan ang kwarta atong donasyon sa simbahn. HUH? ? ? ? ?? Sure mo ana? Lol. pag sure mo oi!

    For the uninitiated. the full word for "CON" in "CON MAN" is CONFIDENCE. By law, this falls under crimes of estafa. Because the man violated an individual or a group's CONFIDENCE.

    Now, what other people say here is that we do not ask the church for something in return because we gave the money voluntarily. They leave out the fact that we gave the money because WE TRUST THEM to do what is right with it which, of course, what they are NOT doing.

    Breach of confidence/trust ra gihapon na ila gibuhat. Even if we whole heartedly gave it to them unconditionally, they violated our trust. They are no different from street kids asking for money so they can sniff rugby.

  9. #389

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    Supposedly, mga pari dina pwede naay BANK ACCOUNT. Okay ra ta na kong naa silay sweldo dili sab palabihan nga amg tukod ug balay , apartment, internet cafe nga himo on ng NEGOSYO. Makonsensya sab unta sila kong ingon ana ilang tumong mogwas sila apgka PARI mag negosyante nalang. AGRE BA MO SA AKONG GISULTE?

    Naa man goy pari akong nahibal an nga nagpatukog ug internet cafe unya ang gamit nga name sa iyang pag umangkon. Na a pud koy nailhan nga pari nalukop nalang pamalit ug yuta. MAGLIBOG KO NGANONG NAG PARI MANI SILA NGA NEGOSYO MAY TUYO bisan ni servisyo pa ni sila sa GINOO, pareho rani ug ni take advantage sa mga tao nga nanghatag ug donation.

  10. #390

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    Here's another subtle fact: They are indirectly encouraging the things they have condemned.

    Bawal ang sugal: Asa man diay na ibutang ang kwarta sa sugal? Diba sa bangko nila? Therefore, they are either directly or indirectly, funding gambing.

    Bawal daw ang contraceptives: Diba kanang mga ministop / mercury drug store mangutang mana sa bangko for capital? Diba naa man diha gipangbaligya ang mga condom ug mga birth control pills?

    And yet, ipusta nako akong lawas ug kalag they will condemn those people. In fact, I believe they will be having this same conversation now but with a different target. I would imagine naglalis mga pari ron na naai stocks sa bangko na ngano naa daw sila gipang tagaan ug loan para sa mga nagabli ug mga drug store. Magyawyaw na sila ron nga gi breach ila trust kai ang ilang loan gigamit sa laing pamaagi.

    Hypocrisy at its finest.

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