Originally Posted by
I think it has been pointed out so many time already, bro! The Constitution protects life from the moment of conception! Amd it has been shown that this means from fertilization, as assumed by the Commission. Are you blind? You just keep insisting on your interpretationm which has no basis! None at all! At least the other saide has the vote of the Commisison. You don't even have that!
u cannot even answer my question squarely coz obviously there isn't. u don't have a provision in the Consti particulary the Penal Code or even our Abortion law that proves the selling of condoms, pills and IUD is illegal.

Originally Posted by
Finally we have a poll that faces the RH issue squarely! The HB5043 is supporting abortion becuse it promotes avbortifacient contraceptives. So the poll is presenting the real situation and asks people to make an opinion. What's wrong with that?
All polls have assumptions. If you don't agree with the assumptions of a poll, then don't vote on it! But don't try to be like Lagman the undemocratic trapo and try to shut people up because they don't agree with you!
yeah right. the poll faces the RH issues squarely by having a double bind question?...ilara ko tits!!!..clearly w/ ur frame of mind u can't see what's wrong.
mas sakto unta nga question is a closed question that doesn't maliciously use double binds. just like these:
"do u agree that the RH Bill legalizes abortion?"
"do u agree on the term "abortifacient contraceptives"?"
"do u agree that artificial contraceptives are abortifacients?"
mao nay mga sakto nga mga pangutana bay, walay bias, dili double bind, ug neutral...actually this is elementary my dear. resorting to negative double binds shows how desperate your anti-lifer friends are fast becoming nowadays.
i already challenged u to re-formulate these questions below into what u think is better so as to justify ur thoughts that these are "quite" misleading:
"What is the Role of the Church in the Reproductive Health Bill?"
"Do u agree on how the Church is handling this RH Bill issue?"
pls walk the talk...