Harry Potter IV is a good movie - in terms of cinematography that is. But that's just it... what pulled the movie up were the visual effects, and that was it.
The story itself lacked substance. I understand they had to cram an entire book into 157 minutes, but certainly they could have done a better job than that. The scences lacked transition and simply jumped from one scene to another.
It was rather awkward to see the insinuation of relationships between the trio (hermion and harry, hermione and ron) - since that wont really be established until the later books. To some it may be
kilig , but staying true to be book - it's far from the truth. Let's be real here (in a harry Potter kind of way).
It's easy to see that the actors have outgrown their parts. Daniel specifically, as he is bigger in built and far from the scrawny kid we once knew. Emma was simply too pretty, again, far from the bushy-haird, buck-toothed girl we knew (and personally, I believe her acting was atrocious). I understand that style plays an important role to them, but they should consider that the movie is set somewhere in the late 90s, so certainly the styles we have now are different from the styles way back when.
It can't be denied that there were a lot of mistakes, but then again, they had to cram everything into 157 minutes.
It's funny to see Fleur as a prop right? I believe she had less than five lines in the movie - I actually feel bad for the actress. Was she just a pretty face in the movie? Viktor as well, poor guy.
(it was quite disappointing to not see the quidditch tournament - I looked forward to seeing Veelas go wild. Oh well...
I'm a bit disappointed, really. But then again, what do you expect from a movie based on a book? Ah well...
But I'll say it again, visually the movie was very satisfying.
No doubt in that.