Daghang internet cafe ini ang ma shut down. HAHAHA
Good idea coz it will help to solve CyberCrime today!
Not a Good idea coz it will affect our Freedom of Speech!
Daghang internet cafe ini ang ma shut down. HAHAHA
Are we bound to only hear nice things about our government? I have no problem with that as long as they're doing their job. But are they? I'm afraid we'll become a Middle Eastern type of country in Southeast Asia. I have no problems with UAE and Qatar disclosing, not all, but a lot of bad news happening since it's their culture.
But to a DEMOCRATIC country like Philippines?
This is ignorance to technology and a desperate move to control a population.
Ang ubang artista nakaingon gyud anig mayra. Lipay cla kay dli na cla sawayon sa twitter.
that's why its called social networking kay mura ragud ta nag-mingle and tabi2 with othere people in the cyberworld. whats next anti-tsismis law? tsk!
ok rani guys, no provisions for sarcasm man sad in this law so its okay to praise this government to high heavens!
According to the new Cybercrime Act that has just been passed into law, if you post something libelous in iStorya.net (like calling someone influential, like a politician, an a__hole) then you can be arrested. And others who 'like' the post can also get arrested.
BUT, you know what's worse (and perhaps amusing to a certain extent)? If iStorya.net admins refuse to delete down all posts related to the original libelous remark, Beor/Galadriel/Vern will go to jail! I'm not kidding--that's basically what this new law says! Because iStorya.net owners/administrators allowed publication of the libelous post!
See now, how crazy this new law is?
wala na tay katungod madugay magpawas sa atong mga baroganan,
magpakabuta bungol na lamang sa kaulahian
mao ba kini ang gitawag nilang kagawasan
tak-om ang baba walay mailtok ug madungog ang dunggan?
(na mangundang ta aning istoryaha uy... magpunsisok tas prisohan ani..
magsayaw sayaw ta para kang lola gwen? na dili mada uy...)
Magkita lang ta ini sa CPDRC.
crazy law indeed,,,, i hope naa wifi sa preso,, unsaon nalang ang mga na preso, di na maka fb ug maka istorya
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