Originally Posted by
Wring again.
The Commission as a body assumed that conception begins at fertilization. It wasn't just a "few" priests. It was the will of the body as a whole. The Commission took a vote on it.
I quote Bernas
The unborn's entitlement to protection begins "from conception," that is, from the moment of conception. The intention is to protect life from its beginning, and the assumption is that human life begins at conception and that conception takes place at fertilization. There is however no attempt to pinpoint the exact moment when conception takes place. But while the provision does not assert with certainty when human life precisely begins, it reflects the view that, in dealing with the protection of life, it is necessary to take the safer approach.
ohhh forgive me for the error. but then again, same story. it was an assumption and not a provision written down in our Consti.

Originally Posted by
It means we lack an enabling law against abortifacients. The act of "Violating the Constitution" does not carry an immediate penal provision. You need an enabling law or a law with a penal provision to punish someone. That's how the law works. But don't worry, an anti-abortifacients law is in the works.
THERE U GO... we lack a law. or shall we say there is nothing in our Consti that violated it. and lack of a law or provision means it is not in the Consti...and not even an assumption that u have been long flag-waving can stop it isn't it? ...no further questions ur honor.

Originally Posted by
It was quite misleading in that it was taken to imply support/non-support for the RH bill and you know it. Even the comments of you and your cohorts showed that.
quite? so can u explain how should that poll question be formulated then?

Originally Posted by
Looks like you have nothing to worry about then. You have the numbers to back you up, right?

the poll is a negative double bind question...The best response to a double-bind question is to treat it as an open question and respond to the assumption rather than the closed question.
Question: "What makes you think I might lie?"
Answer: "I have never beaten my wife and never will. I find assault of others completely repugnant, and assault of women especially so."
Question: "Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?"
Answer: "I don't think the RH Bill legalizes abortion."
...nothing further ur honor.