calculus.. && sometimes.. prog. ;c
PE..o pwede pud NSTP, lisud kaau dili makatug sa mga forum2. haha.
CALCULUS -- most challenging; interesting unta nga subject kaso lang, we had to take up both Integral & Differential in one freakin' semester ... and we only meet twice a week, 2 hours each class .. di ka malain .. only in UP ( hi Miss Jen!! salamat sa 2.0)
MACROECONOMICS -- for someone who doesn't listen in class, and only does self-study, lisod jud xa kng di ka maminaw in class .. nindot baya na subject .. makasabot ra kos sa lesson kung ting-exam nah .. paghuman na gane, bago pa gane gawas sa door, nawala na tanan gitun-an .. faet
MARKETING -- hardest subject to get a grade higher than 2.0 kay subjective kaayo muhatag ug grades kay puros research and case studies ...
mga lisud na subject mao pa jud mga nindut ... kamalas .. hehe
aside from all the engineering mathematics...the college thesis is the most challenging as it is the culmination of all that you have learned...requirement for graduation as well..
d ko nhan ug math dyod as in
TRIGO og ZOOLOGY...malooy man ko sa mga baki gd...whahaha
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